Zahnarztrechnung Faktor?
ich bin Privatpatientin beim Zahnarzt und habe heute einen Kostenvoranschlag erhalten. Die Leistungen sind alle übersichtlich dargestellt, jedoch versteh ich nicht ganz, was es mit der Bezeichnung “Faktor” auf sich hat.
Ich habe gegoogelt und ein Faktor von 2,3 soll eine komplikationsfreie Leistung bedeuten. Nun habe ich bei meinen unteren beiden Weisheitszähnen einen Faktor von 5,0. Bedeutet dies, dass der Eingriff sehr schwierig sein wird und Komplikationen vorprogrammiert sind? Oder was genau versteht man darunter?
More than 3.5 does not pay health insurance – so it should not be invoiced. Normal is 2,3
Hello Beoing,
a factor of 3.5 takes over the insurance if the doctor gives a reasonable explanation.
In addition to factors, you should ask for your insurance. Some have a cover and then the extra costs will be hanging on you.
In any case, a factor of more than 3.5 is a separate fee arrangement, e.g. with the chief physician or specialist, but I would always explain this before (!) with my health insurance (written!), otherwise you can fall in quite nicely;-)
Good luck!
Hello, my name,
Thank you for your contribution! Could you tell me what this factor actually means or how it is “measured”? The higher the difficulty/expand/usw, the higher the factor? I haven’t understood that yet.
This is as little comprehensible as tax law 😉
The aim is to allow a transparent billing for the patient and that the doctor does not starve.
How to break a treatment as profitable as possible is one thing for itself. There are special billing programs that support one and highly interesting seminars.
This is about negotiations between service providers, insurance companies and the state. And then there’s usually something out there that nobody is satisfied with 😉
This is the increase factor. Up to an increase factor of up to 3.5, the insurance companies take over and the aid.
With a set of 5.0 you have to ask for insurance, otherwise you will be at the expense.
Okay, does it mean that the effort is greater? Or that complications are pre-programmed?
No, that means that your doctor may earn more 🤣
The effort is greater and complications can always exist. You would be better off with a jaw surgeon..
Oh, sorry, I didn’t take it so closely with the terms. The jaw surgeon will take care of me
It’s hard to say what the dentist is doing with private insurers. More than a factor of 3.5, your insurance will not pay.
2.3 – 2.6 is normal and is also accepted by supplementary insurance.
In the case of an increase rate greater than 2,3, must: the dentist in writing and comprehensible, why in the concrete case the treatment is particularly expensive. However, this is only possible up to 3.5 times. Higher factors (resistance rates) – here 5 times the rate – need always a previous written agreement. (I assume that you have not signed this before at the ZA, if: you have to pay)
Get in touch with your PKV – I assume it will pay only 3.5 times.
it means it will be expensive for you