Zahnarzt im recht oder ist was faul?
Hallo, ich hatte im Februar einen richtig dicken Karies im Backenzahn, da wurde gebohrt und nicht gefüllt, weil man meinte das da die Bakterien wegfliegen sollen, so jetzt sitz ich da und war schon bei 3 Zahnärzten und Jedes mal wenn ich die Füllung dieses Zahnes anspreche kommen andere Reaktionen, einmal meinte man das man es behandeln kann und am selben tag ruft die Ärztin mich an und wirft mich quasi raus, der nächste meine kann nur gezogen werden und der dritte meint entweder ziehen oder mehrere tausend Euro beim Profi zahlen, weil es tot ist und entzündet ist damit es auch nur vielleicht gerettet werden könnte was hält ihr davon? Kann man so einen Zahn wirklich NUR mit so hohen kosten ”vielleicht” retten oder hab ich bloß die falschen Zahnärzte erwischt? Und wie kommts das mir keiner diesen zahn füllen will?
in D, a root canal treatment is only paid by the checker if it can be ensured that the tooth is absolutely tumbleable and is in a closed row of teeth (i.e. not the last tooth is in the row).
The pulling of a tooth should always be the absolutely final consequence.
Something went wrong… and there seemingly communication difficulties… talk to the ZA, who started the treatment again… excuse yourself, if necessary, for misunderstandings and see that the treatment is completed…
As I read, the dentists are not “false”.
But apparently the cash register does not take over this performance. So if you don’t pay for it yourself, they won’t do anything, just pain treatment or something.
Let yourself of 2 pleasant dentists binding cost proposal create. Then you can decide if the tooth is worth it or not.
beautiful Gruss mary
To be honest, I can’t imagine this reaction at 3 different doctors.
The most blatant would be a root treatment with filling and that will get below 1000 euros.
Usually the tooth is opened, the caries are removed and the hole is filled. Should the tooth be dead, just the root treatment.
What a fool. Bacteria don’t fly away. Nobody told you such a bullshit. I’m sure you got an appointment for further treatment. Then why didn’t you notice the appointment? The tooth urgently needed a root canal treatment.
Too badly thrown out? Why? And why? There must be a reason that the ZÄ did not want to treat you further. And yes, you can treat such a tooth.
I can’t say anything about this statement because I don’t know the state of your bones.
Yeah, that’s right. A specialized dentist – a endodontologes – can usually treat such a tooth successfully. And yes, you have to pay this treatment privately, as the health insurance companies do not take over or grant the treatment with an endodonologist. This treatment is purely private. I think several thousand euros are excessive.
No, you didn’t.
How do we know? You could have asked the dentists. I guess it’s the condition of your rest. As I said, only one guess of me.
I was told exactly after the hole that is not filled because the bacteria all have to fly away. I’ve noticed every single appointment, and I’ve published exactly 30 earlier. I was just called and the dentist was meant to have treated me only because of the pain, although an appointment for the root canal treatment was agreed with the doctor’s agreement.
Very strange. But as I said, bacteria can’t fly away. And if a tooth is to remain open because it has caused severe pain, then only for a few days so that the oyster can run. Bacteria continue to accumulate in an open tooth. Think – the man has approx. 100 billion bacteria and germs in the mouth.