Zahn ziehen lassen?🦷?
Hallo ihr Lieben,
mein Backenzahn wurde schon einer Wurzelbehandlung unterzogen. Nun hat sich leider der untere Teil des Zahnes entzündet. Der Zahnarzt hat mir nun Antibiotikum verschrieben & eine Überweisung zum Zahn ziehen geschrieben. 🫣
Nun zu meiner Frage:
gibt es eine andere Möglichkeit diesen Zahn zu erhalten? Irgendwelche pflanzlichen Medis, welche bei der Beseitigung dieser Bakterien unterstützen oder ist sowas absolut nicht möglich?
Ich freue mich über jede hilfreiche Antwort.
Liebe Grüße ☀️
The root treatment looks really very good. Whether it has already formed before it is difficult to say; on the right side, the bone tissue also seems to be affected. The doctor who is to draw it will definitely tell you what has formed and whether it is necessary.
No. Not at first. I’d try to get the tooth.
This doesn’t surprise me because the root canal treatment was not carried out as it should be. The root canals of the tooth were not prepared and filled up to the root tip, which is the case with a correct root canal treatment Required is. Thus, a “restor inflammation” remains in the tooth and makes you problems today.
Head shaker. The tooth is treated so that you have no more pain, even if it actually needs to be removed. There is no need for an antibiotic to be prescribed.
Yes, there is. At least the attempt is worth it.
No, there is nothing like that and do not help all the homeopathic agents in such massive inflammations. You can set up a candle and hope that the inflammation will decay.
The only chance your tooth has:
Go to a Endodontologist this is a dentist who specializes only in root canal treatments. The success rates in such root canal treatments made by a specialized dentist are very, very large. Most of the teeth can be obtained by a well-founded endodontological treatment with good prognosis!
Let an appointment with an endologist, this is specialized in root treatments and your last chance to get the tooth.