Zahn schmerzt bei anfassen?
Heute morgen war alles okay bis ich Datteln gegessen haben und ich mein Zahn berührte das hat ein schmerz gegeben , nun ist mir aufgefallen das es der Zahnhals ist der etwas frei ist , neben den Zahn fehlt einer der wurde gezogen schon lange , was kann ich jetzt am besten machen das es nicht mehr so zeigt bei Berührung und das ich das im Griff bekomme ? Die Zahnärztin hat momentan keine freien Termine bis Ende April , Schmerzen tut er nicht nur wenn ich ihn berühre oder was süßes esse und es kommt dran .
The best thing is if you’re looking for another dentist who can give you a new appointment as soon as possible. If the tooth wobbles strongly then something is wrong and it may even have to be pulled. Datteln, in my opinion, are very soft, so nix should have happened. If you have the impression that the tooth is shaking very strongly, you urgently need a dentist – no matter what.
Otherwise, if he slightly hurts when touching and he hurts if you eat something sweet, then best brush 1x more a day the teeth 3x a day and then do that for 3-4 days if it is not better then you have to go to the dentist!
I used to make it like that – I actually brush my teeth 14 times a week – but if I eat something sweet and a tooth hurts suddenly, then I brush my teeth 3 days more often and then the pain stops.
Did you also have an exposed tooth neck, the dentist has covered me something, since the pain has been within limits. But must go again, she has not done so well 😅
Okay, mmm then I have to look at paints who can do something to me there, then only helps to say it hurts hard that gets me to 😜
I had to wait two months at the time, but since it’s nothing acute, I didn’t think it was bad. Got the problem for 6/7 years and you can live well with it. Just chewed cold and sweet things with the other side 😂
Okay, now it’s not bothering me like that, only cold for 4 weeks was now that, Ma wait, but nice to see that I’m not the only one 😜