Zahn OP?

Ich habe bald eine Zahn OP und es besteht das Risiko, dass der Nerv meines Unterkiefers verletzt wird und ich deshalb nie wieder etwas spüren kann im Unterkiefer, also auch meine untere Lippe.

Ich bin gerade mal 19. Das wäre für mich der absolute Horror meines Lebens.

Bekomme ich direkt nach der OP gesagt, ob der Nerv verletzt ist oder finde ich das erst raus, wenn die Betäubung nicht weggeht? Hat jemand Erfahrung damit?

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1 year ago

Come down again!!!!

Yes, this can indeed happen that this nerve is damaged at the surgical removal of a lower wisdom tooth (also with other teeth).

Mostly, the problem that arises after a few days, possibly even only in a few weeks. The fact that you have an impairment for a lifetime is as rare as a 6 in the lottery

1 year ago
Reply to  poscher

It must be clarified on such possibilities. Even if there’s only one patient around the world where it happened. The same is the case with the package leaflets for medication

1 year ago
Reply to  Deichgoettin

No, the “Chance” is not “very low”, at least some people have already written on the Internet that they are experiencing. If that is for the questioner “the absolute horror of his life” and the tooth does not make any problems and that may remain so for his life, why must he suffer?? I would cancel the surgery immediately and never agree again. As I will not agree with this surgery and never agree with me.

1 year ago
Reply to  Deichgoettin

Thanks for the star :-))

1 year ago

You can. I haven’t experienced 1x in 48 years.

1 year ago


1 year ago

If a tooth is root-treated then only is removed from this tissue. The one under the tooth remains untouched.

1 year ago

I don’t have this experience, but I know that some dentists here like to pull or operate out teeth that are not painful and super good. To me, for example, the tooth 37 (lower jaw left jaw tooth, already root-treated) want to pull, even though it does not cause any difficulties! For two years, this tooth is in sight of me. He’s well plomed, I can chew on him well, nothing unpleasant comes from him, and they want to pull him! It is based on the fact that this tooth is allegedly a health risk, the roots are bacterial, and an alternative to pulling would no longer exist. And what do you think I’ll let myself do that someday? Of course not! My tooth remains and will remain where it is and continue to provide good services as before.

Isn’t that the way you are? Just don’t listen to any bullshit, if that’s the case, and don’t let you torment yourself unnecessarily! They love to treat a dead man.

1 year ago
Reply to  poscher

Sure. I’m really glad I didn’t let mine go back then! I wish you had the courage to say no to what doesn’t suit you. You can do that with 19.