Zahn locker, Zahnfleisch dunkel?

Ich bin Gestern auf Bahnschienen gefallen und es hat meinen Schneidezahn hart erwischt. Er ist etwas locker, nicht komplett, und das Zahnfleisch ist dunkelrot verfärbt. Kauen tut noch sehr weh, also generell wenn Gewicht auf ihn eingewirkt wird.
Meine Frage ist ob er noch zu retten ist, oder eventuell sogar rausgezogen werden muss?
Wenn er rausgezogen wird, wird er dann ersetzt?

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2 years ago

Yesterday fell on rails and it hit my cutting tooth hard.

And why didn’t you go to the dental emergency service immediately?

My question is if he is still saved

It is possible to Current X-ray exposure Don’t say.

Tomorrow should be your first way to the dentist. If you’re lucky, nothing happened and it’ll take a while until everything’s cured again.

2 years ago

You’re a case for the dental emergency service. Not to use that was a very bad idea that might cost you your tooth. The jawbone can be broken, the root splintered etc. If it is no longer possible to use an implant. This costs 1500 to 2000€, depending on how much bone has to be made. The health insurance does not take care of it.

Too bad about the beautiful teeth.

2 years ago
Reply to  Davidoooo123

Nothing’s as good as a real tooth. A timely treatment increases the probability of saving it. An implant in the front cutting teeth is now easily feasible, but not trivial. The bone can ignite, the implant can dissolve, and in the next accident it can go out much worse. If the bone is broken, it can take several months to start with the operations.

Maybe it would have been enough to direct the tooth and to shine. But you should be at the dentist hours after the accident. Why did you delay that?

2 years ago

You should be a dentist tomorrow, and it would have been better today. It’s for some emergency service.

I’d let that go, so the tooth root (on) can be broken.

What can and must be done is in the hands of the dentist.

2 years ago
Reply to  JustASingle

Precisely! Teeth still needs your whole life!

2 years ago
Reply to  Strandmupfel93

Exactly. Man man. That you don’t immediately pick up a doctor.

2 years ago

Of course, this is not difficult on a Sunday. As Strandmupfel93 says, you choose the number of the medical readiness service and ask where to go.

2 years ago

Of course. The 116117 will give you someone from close to the phone. Even last weekend.