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2 years ago

If you’re lucky, the tooth isn’t completely destroyed yet and you can save it again with a root treatment/filling or crown… but would be as soon as possible to the dentist in your place… if there is no pain, it can be that your nerve is already death, that is, you have an inflammation at the root tip… should be treated, can be swelling, etc. Run. (Bin dental specialist employees)

2 years ago
Reply to  Harald4838

Looks for me for caries, in any case let the doctor fill and do not hurt and goes fast, otherwise it will only get worse. Unfortunately, this is not done by itself.

2 years ago

you don’t have to worry, there’s nothing happening tonight or even over the weekend, so fast it’s not going 😅

if you’re dissatisfied with your dentist then try to find one somewhere else… but the filling would still allow me to do it, it’s just important that you keep brushing your teeth regularly and regularly being in control with the dentist, then nothing bad happens

2 years ago

Perhaps a filling or crown is enough, perhaps the root canal is also filled. In some cases, the tooth must get out.

Internet remote diagnostics of lay people are not helpful. Ask your dentist who can look at it directly.

2 years ago

You don’t seem to take it all too seriously with the oral hygiene. This is certainly not the only tooth that needs treatment.

How far advanced the caries is, you cannot say by this photo. There must be an X-ray.

Have an appointment with your dentist.

2 years ago

I’m sure a dentist will get rid of the tooth.

2 years ago
Reply to  SupiSu384

Sometimes they leave the tooth there and remove the rest.

2 years ago
Reply to  mjutu

If the rest is more lazy than the tooth itself.