Zählt der Zucker in natürlicher Buttermilch oder Naturkefir zur empfohlenen Zuckerobergrenze?
Hallo zusammen,
laut Deutscher Gesellschaft für Ernährung wird empfohlen nicht mehr als 50 Gramm Zucker am Tag zu sich zu nehmen.
In 500 Milliliter Naturkefir oder reiner natürlicher Buttermilch sind laut Nährwerttabelle auf der Packung ungefähr 20 Gramm Zucker.
Da steht pro 100 ml 3,8g Kohlenhydrate, davon Zucker 3,8g.
Ich dachte eher so ein Naturkefir oder Buttermilch wäre empfehlenswert.
Zählt der Zucker in die empfohlene Gesamttagesmenge?
Vielen Dank
The recommendations of the DGE and WHO refer to so-called “free sugar”.
The DGE recommends a maximum of 50 g of “free sugar” to eat per day. This number applies to a person with a daily calorie intake of 2000 kcal.
More precisely, the recommendation states that the consumption of sugar per day should be less than 10% of the daily energy. If a person eats 4000 kcal daily (e.g. athlete or heavy workers, for example), there is a higher number in grams.
What counts as “free sugars”?
“Free sugars include monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, galactose) and disaccharides (saccharose, lactose, maltose, trehalose), which add food to manufacturers or consumers, and naturally occurring sugars in honey, syrups, fruit juices and fruit juice concentrates.”
This includes:not the lactose naturally present in dairy products (i.e. your natural kefir) and not the sugar from intact fresh fruit.
Source: You can read this in Consensus paper Quantitative Recommendation on Sugar Feed in Germany.
It counts all sugars. By what you take him to you or what he is not important.
So the sugar in an apple or berries is equivalent to that of Haribo rubber bears?
When it comes to the total amount of sugar (and so I understand your question), then yes.
When it comes to how much sugar you in addition to you or if you only certain types of sugar go, then no.
The sugar, which is naturally contained in fruit, vegetables or pure dairy products, does not matter with this invoice. Because these foods are very nutrient-rich and contain important vitamins and minerals. Therefore, for example, two portions of fruit per day are considered an important part of a balanced diet.
https://www.konsumerzentrale.de/wissen/food/labelling and content/was-ist-eigentlich-zucker-und-wie-viel-darf-es-sein-81607
This says the consumer centre