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7 months ago

A social phobia is an anxiety disorder.

Those affected are afraid of being at the centre of attention or being evaluated by other people. Frequently, such situations, such as speaking or eating in the public, are avoided.

7 months ago

Fear of other people eating could also be a social phobia. Here it is usually the fear that you might look strange when eating or being perceived as unpleasant.

Depends on why you’re afraid of food changing you.

Whether you have an eating disorder or a social phobia can only find therapists or psychiatrists, and we cannot find it here

7 months ago

if you are less trusted before others, you will probably be very thought-oriented with regard to others and how you eat.

Eating yourself can’t change, the only one if you eat more, you will have less hunger to take more weight, making more to eat than what others are dedicated.

7 months ago

A eating disorder is a more complex, persistent experience and behavioral pattern. Observations of individual phenomena as you describe are not yet an eating disorder, but can occur as part of an eating disorder.

The first (anxiety to eat before people) could also be something socially anxious and nothing disturbed. Depends on why you’re afraid of what’s exactly triggering the situation.

Fear that eating could completely change, looks more like something eating disturbed. But I would still be interested: change how? What could happen if you are?

7 months ago

I am not sure but I think no

I think that is a social phony.

7 months ago

Yes, I think it’s a disorder you need help. Of course, I wish you could handle it yourself, but if you don’t, you should trust an adult.