Zählt das als Verstopfung medizinisch?
Habe ca 3-4x die Woche Stuhl
Aber so kleine harte Steine
Ihr werdet denken ich trink zu wenig aber mach ich nicht ich trinke 2,5L und esse Ballaststoffe.
Zählt das dann als Verstopfung so kleine Kotsteinchen oder ist Verstopfung nur wenn man lange keinen Stuhl machen kann?
3 – 4 times, every 2nd day is not clogging.
I mean the little hard chairs I don’t like this is clogging in the darm
The typical sign of constipation is not only a hard chair, but also that the chair does not come out. At 3-4 times you can’t really talk about the chair coming out.
If this occurs more frequently, your intestine should be examined, for example, for constrictions. This can lead to such “haired gods”.
That sounds like hypochondria. Clear the problem with your doctor.
Constriction = possible tumor?
I would basically distinguish between one:
However, all doctors always rely on the thesis of pseudo-constipation, which is inexplicable to me.
When I say constipation, I mean it, and nothing untrue.
Drinking enough is important, as is a diet rich in fiber. You do.
There are some foods that could still help, such as dry plums, sour wort juice or fermented products (Kimchi, good yogurt, pickled vegetables).
Are you moving enough? Regular walks also stimulate intestinal strength.
A constipation actually has nothing to do with how hard the stool is. If you’re constipated, you don’t have a stool for several days.
Maybe you should increase the fruit/ vegetables share!