Z900 oder Duke 790 für A2?
Ich überlege schon des längeren, welches dieser beiden bikes ich mir holen soll. Auf der Z900 bin ich noch nicht probegesessen, die 790 duke passt aber wie angegossen (Bin 191).
Beim technischen soll es ja einige Unterschiede zwischen den bikes geben weshalb ich mir nicht sicher bin, welches nun das bessere ist. Wie findet ihr die bikes und welches würdet ihr euch kaufen. Vielleicht auch din ganz anderes?
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For the Z you are quite large, the KTM will be no comfort miracle for you with the knee angle.
Technically, both bikes are good, the KTM had a few children’s diseases in the first two years of construction, which I would avoid.
Otherwise, I would definitely buy the 790 personally, is for me simply the much more fun motorcycle.
I have the KTM Duke 790 Bj 2023 in Nov. 23 bought. Already after 600 km, the clutch was through at once and had to be repaired in the event of a guarantee. Now I’ve got 1250 km on it, and I’m going to the Cote d’Azur with a smooth feeling. I have her open, as I have FS Kl A and I am 168 cm tall. She’d be too small for you.
The Z should be too small for you. It is also much heavier.