Youtube-Download unmöglich?
Wieso kann ich von Youtube nichts mehr downloaden ?. Downloadhelper erzählt mir jedes mal, das ich eine Begleitanwendung installieren muß. Wenn ich dies tue spricht mein Computer, daß diese bereits installiert ist. Ist Youtube die nächste App/Website, welche sich von mir verabschieden will ? Da ich oft auf dem Mittelmeer unterwegs bin, wo ich kein Internet habe würde ich mir gern die eine oder andere Sendung offline anschauen.
I know the program and it works with me. I have had the program installed along with accompanying application.
Nevertheless, I went back to the “Internet Download Manager”. Try the “Internet Download Manager” just once. You also need to install an additional plugin, but until today the program has not disappointed me. I could download everything from YouTube if I wanted. In this respect it must be on the browser, on the PC, the AddON or the program.
When something spins, I always test different browsers to exclude errors. Have you already tested Firefox, Tor, Chrome, Opera, Edge and Co.? Isn’t it everywhere?
I can recommend the “Internet Download Manager”. Try it.
And what video is it? Then I’ll look at this and give you a reply. Maybe you have a problem, a conflict, etc.?
Youtube doesn’t work anymore. I believe, however, that is the policy of YT. They’re trying to divert the client to the premium. I don’t think I’m going to look around because there are no problems on other sides. Thank you.
You should best contact the Downloadhelper community.
However, I would recommend you to knock this AddOn into the ton and just the jDownloader2 to use.
I don’t even get to Youtube. The notification
only allows me to “see” or “end”. Waiting means: for all eternity.
I don’t know what you’re doing. 🤷
Guess you’re using some Linux – and you have problems with the installation. Isn’t the program in your repro?
Linux as BS should you specify IMMER – standard for desktop operating systems is still Windows. You have to assume that if you don’t mind.
As I see, I’m not the only one who doesn’t know everything. Seems to be a problem of Youtube because: on other pages it works with the Downloadhelper.
Open: This reaction shows that you are not ready for Linux.
Not at all. That’s why I’m here.
Maybe someone else has more time. 🤷
It doesn’t matter in the browser.