Yiying Roller auf 45-50km/h drosseln?
Der Roller fährt 57-60kmh wenn man eine weile das Gas durchdrückt. Was kann ich machen, dass der Roller nicht mehr so schnell ist. Kann ich am Vergaser oder Bautenzug etwas machen. Wenn ja, wie genau.
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If you keep screwing in the Bowden cable, nothing changes. Then your gas train is only longer. But there are throttles. The upper lid in the carburetor can be opened. There’s a membrane in there. As a rule, a tube or the like is in the case of a gas draft throttle, which ensures that the needle cannot be completely upwards. (Clear as there is now something in the way.) And then you can’t give full gas. The stupid thing is that the police might notice if you actually have one. Valves must always have an authorisation and must be registered.
yes, normal way does not change when changing the Bowedenscrew. But in some scooters it is possible to turn it in so far that the gas handle strikes. It works rarely, but sometimes already.
I already had the idea with the spacer ring, but find such a small spacer ring. It’s just a millimeter. You could have a spacer on the matching large grinding or flexing, but it must be very accurate. What I’ve thought is if you don’t take a suitable washer.
But I think the idea with the Variomatik weights is best here.
If you can get the screw on the Bowden cable so far, you just give more gas. Vario weights do not work. Gas throttle would be the only possibility or a speed limiter. A throttled CDI, for example.
Let’s deal with the other question.
Why do Vario weight not work?
Moin, at the Bowden cable you will be able to adjust little at the end speed. However, you can try it by turning the insert screw from the Bowden cable completely, so that the Bowden cable sleeve is closer to the carburetor. The carburetor needle is now no longer high at full gas. It only works with some scooters.
What I would recommend to you is to change the weights in variomatics.
for explanation: In variomatics, weights are inside. The heavier the weights, the slower the suit, but the faster the final speed. The lighter the weights, the faster the suit, but the slower end speed.
I’d recommend you the second. You get a quicker suit and don’t need to be afraid of the police. It’s not that hard either. Find out what weights you need
Thank you. What happens if I take some weights out?
There are always 6-8 each approx. 5-30g in a Variomatic. If you would take out a weight, there would be unbalance on the crankshaft and there was a warehouse damage etc.
Find out how a variomatic works, which weights you have in now, which weights you need and how you change. It would be too much to explain. There are top YouTube videos.
PS: Before you say “I am too much work”, Variomatik weights are anyway wear parts and should be changed.
That’s bullshit. The final speed remains the same, provided that the weights are not so heavy that the Vario no longer creates the full translation and then the acceleration for them is ton. At the final speed, nothing changes with the weights.
I’ve just been informing myself, and it’s what I’m saying :
I got it from “chris570003“:
https://www.rollertuningpage.de/t/was-bring-light or-heavy-weights.2689177/
Here is an example of his experience.
Also by Chris:
Try best with nem tuning kit.
Lighter weights improve the suit when starting because the max. The torque of the motor is advanced to the lower speed (Km/h), i.e. the automatic switches up only at a higher engine speed. This leads to poorer passage to Vmax.
Having not yet tested but generally it is claimed that the previous Vmax is no longer reached.
So he doesn’t know it himself and on the forum the whole time is told bullshit. If you think this works, you can try it.
Wrong assumption: The power of a motor is the same at any speed. Bzw. With variable weights you can move the torque of a motor up or down.
No, the engine has an ideal speed at which it has the most power. The vario weights are to adjust the “circuit” in such a way that the motor always runs in the ideal speed range.
He also writes that lighter weights improve the suit. At the same time, he says that the passage is missing. That’s exactly like an idiot who throws 3 grams of weights into his vario, not from the spot comes at full speed and can melt his weights because of friction.
This is a mistake in the first sentence. The heavy weights ensure that the rollers press outwards rather when the speed is lower. That means the V-belt “clamps” faster. At low speed this is bad because not the same power is there. Turn in the car from 2000 Rpm already into the next gear that is when the weights are too heavy. If you chase the engine to the limit, we say 5000 Rpm, then acceleration is better because the speed is more in the optimal range. The whole text of chris570003 is a single contradiction.
Have you ever voted a scooter? Try heavy weights. I didn’t just vote for my friends and a friend. Do you even know how a Vario works? Maybe it sounds conclusive for you, but it’s not.
No one forces you to drive full throttle.
If you’re in police control, it doesn’t matter if you don’t normally drive full throttle
No one is stopped for reasons.
but already (general traffic control)