yaoi / bl?
Mögt ihr yaoi / bl mit alter und Begründung gerne
Moin, die Story von Anne und Gilbert hat mich so krass gecatcht und ich wollte deshalb mal fragen ob ihr Serien oder Filme kennt die nach einem ähnlichen Prinzip aufgebaut sind 🙂 Danke im Vorraus!
Hi, ich habe vor kurzem den Anime Record of Ragnarok fertig geschaut, an sich finde ich ihn wirklich gut die Charakter designs sind wirklich schön und auch die Handlung finde ich gut. Aber die kämpfe bleiben die ganze Zeit gleich, entweder gewinnt Mensch oder Gott und dann geht’s zum nächsten Kampf. Die kämpfe ziehen sich…
Hi, nur mal so aus Neugierde, wer ist euer absoluter Lieblingsschauspieler/in?
Ich will einen weiteren Anime gucken und ich will eure Meinung zu Berserk. Wie ist der? Für welche Art von animeguckern ist er geeignet?
Bei mir Til Schweiger und Orlando Bloom
Yeah, likes BL and Yaoi. I myself gay and finds nice similar stories also to see in animes. Besides, I have beautiful memories of it with my friend.
m15, gay
The stories and characters do not seem so clichéful to me (depending on Manga of course) and, I say, sugary.
In the romances between boy/girl or man/woman it is sometimes not unselfish that still div. Clichés occur, of course also dependent on the content here, but the characters just don’t inspire me in such stories anymore, at the moment I’m struggling with feminine characters and currently have no ones that I really like, except for very few comments.
In BL, the relationship itself is not necessarily an unimportant topic, e.g. outing, etc. is also treated more strongly depending on the content, there are sometimes very sugary stories, but the characters I usually like better and also the story, which is also because I currently do very hard with female characters, I just don’t like them anymore. Even in video games I avoid feminine main character because I somehow do not agree with those, optics, is somehow simply not my case (can also be just a phase, earlier I had never had it, but some time they just won’t excite me anymore)
Among my favorites include the Manga Therapy Game, the novel series The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation and the Anime Junjou Romantica.
(Bin 27)
Yes 18m
read it for quite a long time now and I find the relationships just much less akward or weird. It’s usually just nice because boob and ass joke aren’t in anymore
Yes I like BL (the term also includes Yaoi) very much. I grew up. I just like the stories.
I love BL/Yaoi but now I am not extremely on the road know not so many titles there are mega many mangas at BL Genre. Know only a few BL Mangas but mostly BL Anime titles. And why so simply because I fetch it when two men fall in love is mega cute, better I can’t explain it but hetero Romance likes me as well. 21.
Yeah, I like it.
Love is Love and I generally find Cute. Like Doukyuusei or Umibe no Étranger z.b
This is like with Yuri, only usually targeting women and naturally homosexual men. And no, I don’t read that ^^ is more familiar with Yuri’s.
Yeah, I like it. W/22