Yamaha sr 500 auf 125 drosseln?
Würde mich brennend intressieren da ich bald 16 werde und ich eigentlich die 500er sr als Cafe Racer umbauen wollte. Und keine zwei Motorräder kaufen wollte.
Danke im vorraus
Würde mich brennend intressieren da ich bald 16 werde und ich eigentlich die 500er sr als Cafe Racer umbauen wollte. Und keine zwei Motorräder kaufen wollte.
Danke im vorraus
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Guten Tag, ich habe folgendes Problem: Meine YZF-R 125 verschluckt sich ständig bei Vollgas, und ab dem 3. Gang verschluckt sie sich andauernd, auch bei 3/4 Gas. Im Stand läuft sie nach Lust und Laune und bleibt meistens nur mit Gas an. Es ist wie bei einem Vergasermotor, der zu fett oder zu mager abgestimmt…
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No, I can’t. Sorry.
But you have a good taste 👍
And what about a 125 engine in the 500 frame?
I’m sure you’re going through the TÜV, or you can’t drive it. And even smaller rebuilds are already an act and it costs expensive. Save the money better, buy good protective clothing and then with 18 ne bigger car.
Thanks for the star 😊
You have no release for it, and that’s illegal.
What is illegal to put a 125 engine in a 500 frame????
That’s what’s left to wait. If your friend’s job and his technician or engineer is something worth it, he’ll stick to the rules and cough you for illegal things.
Thank you
I’ll print you the thumbs 👍
I think it’s a nice idea, but I don’t want it:) and I call it a good friend…
You can’t throttle the engine. The conversion of a SR 500 to a 125 would require engineering knowledge in vehicle construction, and an individual removal of the vehicle. It is even cheaper to buy ten motorcycles.
Rebuild a SR500 to the Cafe Racer!!! Are you okay? What’s raining on you?
All you have given from you here is such a mare that you can get bad.
It’s not realistic, nor do you have a shortage of an idea of motorcycles.
Your story of your grandpa, that he already screwed the MAN 25 hp tractor at 12 years, sounds like a story of the (Lügen-) Barons Münchhausen.
You’re serious about anyone taking your fantasy counts off. Keep dreaming.
You can’t throttle the engine.
Similar optics, crafts available:
Thank you.
There are also some accessories for the Dice (as the machine is new) -> simply look around.
Jo will I make
Look for a decent 125s and get ready. Leave the remodeling, it only ends in a…
Yeah, come on who stops dreaming like you’re dead anymore…
Again in German?
You can’t “throttle” the engine.
Yes…. xD
Come on. Tell me how you want to do this.
I am kfzler
Now I lie flat in front of laughter.
What would it look like if I had a 125 engine…
You never get it through the TÜV
Then you didn’t throttle the 500.
Totally nonsense….
If you’re 16 now, as you say, you’d have changed the engine from the Calibra with 11 years. Who do you want to tell that story? Santa or Santa Claus. That’s all she’s worth from the truth.
Are you talking about stupidity? That would explain a lot. :
Now get yourself back!!!
You’re worse than a toddler. Just so much, I could be your grandpa from the age, and now turn your head and calm down. Children at your age belong to the bed at this time, no contradiction, end now!
Biologically speaking, however, you don’t know me in real. I don’t want you to be happy…….>:D
Yeah, nice… motor vehicle…. how stupid do you think I am?
And by the way, I only spiegle the knowledge of my opas, which now has 47 years of professional experience and has already made a lot more dinge than you both have with each other…. e.g.: with 12 years alone a MAN 25 hp tractor has renewed the bearing shells and the piston has swapped out etc.
In addition, 5 years ago, I made the engine completely new by nem Calibra, called Pistons new with rings a fit new cams on it etc. and if you say now that the kindergarten is then I want to see you with elf like you’re new engine built up. And then still have to be clear with the death of your mother and then forge so close to ne Axt and learn how to make pipes. Have fun with your master wants to live……
That’s the evidence I’ve been waiting for. Only that you ask the Chevy how he wants to know himself with two wheels he would be KFZ Master shows the entire GFN community only that you absolutely no one and I really don’t have any bleas of KFZ. You think you’d know your mates confirm that you know that you’re talking about matter, and it’s nothing behind it. I’d like to explain. Ask the question of the blue group in kindergarten. What does KFZ mean and what is a KFZ? No don’t look fast at Google. You should at least be able to answer this question with your big mouth.
Since I have been there more often than a tester at the Gesellenprüfungs and in recent years I think that you should pay attention to your choice of words and what you give about your friends in the net of you. You are even in trouble with your temperate way and do not even notice it.
Sounds comfortable with your experience,
You’re like an Abiturient from our class, who claimed that in a socket not alternating voltage but equal voltage Hersche…
I’ve been working on motorcycles for longer than you’ve been on your underpants’ content. And before you ask, also on scooters, cars, transporters, municipal equipment, trucks, old cars, hybrid vehicles, bicycles and what else I know. I have cars every day in the workshop you only know from the newspaper or the car quartet.
And now I turn out here, turn one, and get a good home beer.
Oke in some areas you have much more like me since you are obviously master but still are not a two-wheeler…. I also net but someone else to drive out the ideas is real Mies
Hahaha basically, but why then there should be two-wheel mechanics at all …….
Yes, you have just disclosed your “special knowledge”.
I give it like, but who’s already sitting in the chair can fall badly on the wet or?
How was that “falling on the nose”? Is a motorcycle not a car?
First of all, who said that I am the best and greatest, and secondly, this question is new to both of us because you and I are KFZler and where do you want to know you with two wheels I thought you are KFZ champion….
You are above all according to your own statement “almost 16“-year-old child. There is no need for any discussion.
Chevy, let’s give this drip boy his pride and fun. We both have long been our master and have seen these characters quite often. Especially falling on the nose. We know, pride comes before the case. He must gather his experience himself.
He can and knows everything better. Let him do it.
We all understood that you are the greatest. However, no one still knows why you have to ask such a primitive question.
And now push back to the doofe rail because you can’t believe it or want it because you think yourself…
You’re so great.
All right….
who concentrates on one thing is not smart….
I am blacksmith, carpenter, carpenter, farmer and whistler I think more things than you can and you know what the nice thing is that I have said from all areas of MEISTERN that is really good what I do and what I did in the exam……
Tell me a lot, but I don’t care. I’ve built some more cars. And they even got a street license.
Good paper master :
And why don’t you write that you’re talking about the frame? Only for info, Chevydresden and I are also KFZ ler, even Master.
Yeah, well, I’ve already built GoKart with 180Ps and 210Nm but I think…
Just because you’re with Grandpa bissl, you’re not a professional. You can laugh. I know that I have 36 years of professional experience and that I recognize a flax pipe quite quickly. Sometimes even on the first question.
Oke I’ll make you a picture…. 🙂 I’m actually laughing at people like you….
I’ve been on edge since I’ve been seven years old with my grandpa in the workshop and My grandpa may also be frame welding:D
How stupid these people…
Come on, you “Kfz-ler.”
It’s all about frame……
What would it look like with the nich very big tense wave thereby lessened..
I would say a lot of fun
No chance, there’s nothing.
Why not sell for small money now ne 125er, and then sell in 2 years and buy the big one?
They are not as expensive as they are, what should they lose in value?
Yes that brat is that the double effort would be because I would then have to build everything around without much net more fits…. :/
But you’ve got it like that – what do you think it’s costing to fit a throttled 125 engine into a 500 frame and how “shice” looks like that? (Only the cylinder head alone will not be possible..)