Yamaha MT 125 Öl Baujahr 2016?
Hallo, möchte demnächst selber einen Ölwechsel machen kann mit jemand sagen was ich dazu alles brauche (bestes Öl, Luftfilter, Ölfilter) hab davor 10w40 öl gehabt, habs aber nicht selber durchgeführt. Am besten eins für schnell fahren und kalt fahren.
Danke im voraus
Take the oil that the manufacturer prescribes. For fast (so hot engine) and cold with cold engine there is no perfect oil, which are completely different requirements.
Be careful not to take a car oil, that gives problems with the clutch.
Just take oil with the specifications that are in the manual. You’re on the safe side. You also need a copper seal.
What do you want with an air filter when changing oil? 🤔
If all 8k kilometers are exchanged, this would make it right.
“The best way to drive fast and drive cold. ‘
This statement, by the way, is bullshit. 😉 There are oils that work better at colder temperatures, but I would advise you what the manufacturer says.