Y/N Story schreiben oder nicht?

Hallo, ich habe gerade einen Idee für einen Story aber weiß nicht ob ich sie vielleicht nicht auf Y/N Sicht schreiben soll oder einen Carakter machen soll.

Einer Seits will ich gerne mal was neues beim schreiben ausprobieren andere Seits bin ich mir ziemlich unsicher, und wollte euch fragen was ihr bevorzugt, hier ist die Kurzbeschreibung:

Y/N Tachibana ist eine Muggelstämmig Hexe die nach Slytherin eingeteilt wir, für sie ein kompletter Welt Untergang. Aber Slytherin ist ganz anderest wie es sich Y/Nvorgestellt hat…

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3 months ago

Y/N Tachibana is a mouggling witch that is divided into Slytherin, for her a complete world decline. But Slytherin is quite the same as Y/N pretended…

In that case, I wouldn’t do it.

Y/N (so ‘Your name’, where the protagonist is the reader himself) Stories are well suited in my eyes for One Shots, where it is more important to act and not so much of description and character with inside.

It may sound stupid, but if I get into the box with my favorite musician, then it’s not important as I look, because this is never explicitly described. Then he’ll stick my hair. Or tell me how beautiful eyes I have. And then we have sex and much goes about what I see, what I feel or generally perceive sensually. My experiences, thoughts and preferences do not have to be so important.
The fact that I want this as a reader is that I have clicked on the story at all.

Otherwise, this can also be implemented very well for smaller adventure stories, but with them you can see that the system is reaching its limits.

For in the end, you push the reader into a figure with which he is to identify himself by the name, which you then shape according to your ideas and which therefore has nothing to do with the reader.
You mean it’s sweet, but this is already the name. My name is not ‘Tachibana’. I’m not from Japan (I think now). I might find it cool to come to Slytherin….
In the end, you can see a little bit of your summary… ‘Y/N is…’ would be primarily a ‘you are…’. Because, as I said, this goes towards the reader. This ‘Y/N’ should actually only be called if the reader’s name is actually also called MUSSTE (and even there this is usually not written so, but most authors would rewrite it. According to the motto ‘Professor Dumbledore calls your name and immediately it becomes deadly in the big hall’.

To make it short… I would advise you here about the whole thing, because I think you will not be happy to keep your story so vague that there are plenty of possibilities for me as a reader to make that so that I can identify myself with it or that a great mass of readers can see in it (which is actually the meaning of the thing).

What you can do (but you need an enormously interactive community) would really be an interactive scenario… but, as I said, it needs people who are always giving you feedback and interacting with your story so that you can actually vote.

I think it’s cool that you want to try something new, but you’d rather guess if you want to follow this concept to adjust your story. Because as I said… a good story that makes the reader a ‘experienced’ Power is relatively difficult, because you have to keep you very vague in the end, so you can’t access anything else you might take to tell ’round’.

Where I could imagine it would be a horror story. There comes a lot from the mood from the creepy environment, light, noises, smells etc., and thus simply from ‘outside’. You can also work a lot with a rather ’empty’ main character that every reader can ‘fill’ himself.

I wish you every success 🙂

3 months ago
Reply to  JuliaAnna2012

I hope I could help:)

As I said, it’s not my thing, but that’s a very personal opinion. However, I think it’s great that you think about it, just because sometimes you have to hit something about the strands to unlock a new area;)

3 months ago

I’d take character. Because of x/y I don’t read