Y Food und ähnliches: egal für wen?
Y Food oder solche ähnliche Produkte geben an eine vollständige (Ersatz)Mahlzeit zu sein. Kommt es dabei darauf an welchen Körperbau man hat. Ich bin eher dünn und verbrenne schnell Kalorien. Ist das dann zu wenig?
If your goal is to increase it could be very helpful not to drink as a meal, but rather so in between, because it is often easier than to eat “much” and could help to take enough energy. Otherwise, a bottle of this corresponds to a (in my opinion) rather small meal
YFood is a cheap and low-quality drink known by the hype through marketing, influencers and colourful packaging. This has nothing to do with ( decent) diet. A better source of protein would have been whey. Milk protein is okay and of course significantly cheaper. In addition, poor vegetable oils, aromas, some maltodextrin and a few underdosed vitamins and minerals.
No wonder other manufacturers will also jump onto the train to YFood. The profit margin is gigantic because the ingredients are so cheap and no one looks at the back of the declaration. If your brand is taken over by Nestlé for a lot of money, then it’s official that it’s overpriced junk with which you can pick up people and earn a lot of money. This is the brand core of Nestlé.
Save best money and fingers away from it. Especially since you can mix yourself with some of your own ingredients that is better and more high-quality, for less money.
Thanks for that answer. Has YFood been bought by Néstle?
Not completely but Nestlé has acquired shares in early 2023. This is, so to speak, the confirmation that it is low-grade scrap that can make a lot of profit. Because this is the brand core of Nestlé
you shouldn’t replace all your meals, sometimes it’s cool, it’s also worth a lot of calories the drink has
Thank you.