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6 years ago

Hello Nico357

If you give such different laundry in the dryer then you always have to adjust the drying stage that suits the most sensitive laundry. When the program is finished, you can add this delicate laundry from the dryer and finish the remaining laundry with a suitable program.

It is only possible to add laundry to the dryer, which can also be dried with the dryer. If the care identifier indicates that the laundry must not be dried (a circle in a square with an X smeared) then the laundry must not be put into the dryer.

It should also be noted that underwear and jeans should never be dried on “barrier dry” but only on “light-moist” or “barrier-moist” and must subsequently be suspended for final drying. It is guaranteed that they do not enter. Ironing bra should not be in the dryer at all.

In the case of washing, the dryer must be switched to “low temperature” only at a maximum of 30°.

Frotteewäsche can be switched to “barrier drying”, “barrier drying+” or “Extratrocken”.

Greetings HobbyTfz

6 years ago
Reply to  HobbyTfz

Thanks for the star

6 years ago

Oh, poor sweater!

Sweaters and jeans are usually not washed together.

Sweater fine linen or wool wash, only easy to spin.

Then let dry on a towel. If a sweater is, you can also hang on the leash, but not in the dryer.

The other thing you’re drying up at most, better a little less.

6 years ago
Reply to  Nico357


If you’re not sure, you better ask here before you ruin something.

6 years ago

Ironing dry – and then all that could be done – take jeans, sweaters etc. out and hang on the stand for residual drying.

And socks don’t belong to the dryer.

6 years ago
Reply to  wilees

Our socks “drain” in the dryer. Only hand knitted not

6 years ago
Reply to  wilees

Yeah, that’s the best!

6 years ago

The clothes do not fit into the dryer together.

Underpants you can treat cotton extra dry. Jeans, socks and sweaters take this rather bad. They need easy to clean

6 years ago

I would get the sweater out, shouldn’t be a sweatshirt – wool and knit are guaranteed to run!

I always take extra dry – if you still want to iron it is not a good thing

6 years ago

I always take what takes the longest… I don’t know what it means…

it’s always going to be so stupid