Xray Strahlung am Flughafen Gepäck verstrahlt?

Undzwar am Flughafen gibt es ja die Xray Scanner für das Handgepäck und die Koffer damit sie die das Gepäck durchleuchten können. Nun ist meine Frage wenn man im Handgepäck was zu essen oder Trinken drinnen hat, wird das dann radioaktiv verstrahlt bzw ist es schädlich diese noch zu konsumieren, und sind die Gegenstände die gescannt werden auch Verstrahlt sodass es schädlich ist diese zu berühren da dann von diesen auch schädliche Strahlung ausgeht ?

Hoffe auf hilfreich antworten

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2 years ago

X-rays are not “radioactive radiation”. Because radiation itself is never radioactive. Radioactive is only substances. And X-rays are not even produced in the devices by radioactive decay.

X-rays are electromagnetic radiation. And electromagnetic radiation cannot cause atoms to be radioactive. Because it would have to be able to destroy nuclear nuclei. She can’t.

2 years ago

If it were so dangerous, I don’t think I’d use it in the hospital. So it’s safe. In addition, you wouldn’t use it where many people are.

2 years ago

By irradiating with these relatively low-energy X-rays (x-rays), the irradiated substances cannot become radioactive.

In the past, it would be good to sit in the sand of Sylt because it (like most of the silences) is easily radioactive. Nowadays, people still sit in the sand of Sylt, but they don’t say extra that it’s lightly radioactive.

2 years ago
Reply to  JohnCena77

The objects are as harmless as before. If they didn’t radiate before, they don’t radiate afterwards. I was the radiation protection officer of my school

2 years ago

X-rays have nothing to do with radioactive radiation

In the X-ray, the redd object does not become the radiant

2 years ago
Reply to  JohnCena77

Because the device itself emits radiation and must therefore be marked.

2 years ago

Your phone, by the way, emits electromagnetic radiation. Concrete is on radiation. Now throw away the fucking fool. He kills.

2 years ago
Reply to  DualStudieren

And the atomic current filter helps against the dangerous atomic current. Protective cable green-yellow.

(see http://www.nucleostop.de/

And since we all know that ecological current is green and atomic current is yellow, that is

2 years ago
Reply to  Littlethought

The page is legendary xxxD

2 years ago

Your food and drink will not be radioactively irradiated by this process.

Xray, or X-rays are nothing but very energy-rich light. This has nothing to do with nuclear physics and radioactivity but plays on the electron shells of the atoms. It can thus “just” “ionize” atoms, i.e. beat electrons out of their shells and thus electrostatically charge them and loosen molecular compounds. For the living organism this can become quite dangerous in the case of prolonged or larger doses, because the compounds in the DNA can break down, which may then multiply as errors in cell division. Therefore, there are protective measures and limit values for people working daily with X-rays. But your Vesperbrot in your hand luggage has no cell division anymore. And if you had it in the toaster, you would have had it much stronger than the security check.

For you as someone who flies to your holiday once a year or your Vesperbrot, which has no longer long to live, the radiation doses used at the airport play absolutely no role.