Xp12 Vatsim langstrecke alleine?


Ich habe vor morgen einen Langstreckenflug zu machen auf vatsim von Zürich nach Johannesburg. Da der Flug ja knappe 10 Stunden geht und ich alleine bin, kann ja nur ich den Funk machen. Aber was ist jetzt, wenn ich mal nachts fliege und ich ein paar Stunden schlafen möchte, oder bzw unterwegs irgendwas Essen bin?

Ist es dann im Endeffekt besser, wenn ich mit jemand anderen zusammen fliege oder kann ich das auch gut alleine machen, nur dann muss ich halt öfters außerhalb vom Cockpit sein .


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2 months ago

You have to be careful. As described in the Vatsim Code of Conduct (A9 and B3). Account holders shall not leave their connection unattended for more than 30 minutes and must make contact with active ATC in a timely manner. This means that if you’re on the go at night and want to sleep, eat or otherwise don’t have to disconnect from the network for a longer period of time. And before reconnecting, make sure you are not close to an active ATC Center station. Because if you stay online and before you happen to have a lot of online and send you a contact me, then you can’t react to it and he’ll send you a supervisor. On transatlantic routes, I had it at night that a supervisor wrote to me from himself to simply “review” whether I really sit on the PC.

So you have to consider whether the logged online time is worth it or you prefer to disconnect multiple times and do not get a spell or otherwise fly during the day and place the simulator time at night

But still a lot of fun on your long-haul flight.

2 months ago
Reply to  Leonbiewer

Basically, it is not recommended if you disconnect because your reconnect previous clearances etc. become “forget”. But rather log out and then reconnect instead of getting a spell. If you want to log in and a lotse controls the area in which you are or you will come into its sector soon, log in as an observer, write him where you are and whether you can log in again.

2 months ago

No that remains filed, but you will probably get a new squawk if you were still on the ground, your SID must be re-registered, etc.