Wütend wenn Kind schwanger wird?
Ich hätte nicht gedacht dass ich darüber eine eigene Frage machen muss aber in meiner letzten Frage meinten so viele dass es Übergriffig von meinen Eltern war wütend zu meiner kleinen Schwester (14!!!!) zu sein weil sie sich schwängern lies.
(bitte mit Begründung)
it is in some way comprehensible, but after anger, empathy should quickly arrive and thus turn into other emotions
Try to put yourself in the position of your parents. So I wouldn’t be angry, but I’m not happy that my child gets a child if it’s going to school. Because:
I hope the answer has at least helped a bite. 😉
… not only the little sister has ruined her life, but also the life of her parents. How do you want to do a decent school graduation, a training if you have your own bellows at the back as a child?
Who can take care of the child, educate it when the 14-year-old child mother is overwhelmed, must learn for training, etc.? Right, the parents, who are allowed to bathe…
And who is allowed to finance all this? With 14 you hardly have your own income, not your own home. So, of course, the dear parents who can carry all this…
Effectively, the parents have now gotten a child on the eye, and especially one they didn’t want and without asking. And all because the dear daughter was too stupid or too horny. I’d be angry, too, but right.
To write this is also disgusting. What about those who are raped and are ashamed of their parents to tell someone what happened until the child is already “rough”
this is a completely different problem
There are other options. If you read the previous questions: Parents want to force abortion. The issue of raising grandchildren is not at all a debate. So if the daughter goes through and keeps the baby, then she will have to move with care into her own apartment or a mother-child-home (in both cases the youth office carries).
The parents have nothing to do with it.
that’s not coming from me…
It catches children as a bellows. Quite unworthy
If you have no arguments
what exactly should be written by me? Looks like you’re looking for me in the corner you’re in.
You can’t even know how it was and talk as dilapidated
As an outsider, you cannot know that.
What tells you that the sister didn’t do exactly that. Ubd just forsaken a friend. Whatever. To react as a mother is very cheerful. There is a mistake not only to look at the child, but also to himself as a parent. Then was failed in matters of education
You can’t change that now. It would be useful to look for contact with the family of the friend and to discuss how to proceed. If the young couple loves, don’t I see a big problem? They’re just supposed to be financially understated and move into a shared apartment.
Yeah, why not? If they are mature enough to testify to children, are they mature enough to live alone or not?
I dare to doubt that.
I’ve read that physical maturity has nothing to do with mental maturity.
… and whoever can do it will not be full-year.
You’re a big fool.
The Office provides a maximum of one place in a group of minor mothers.
They certainly do not support/pay their own apartment.
I’m aware, but look at the opposite: getting the first child with 35 is not the solution now. And this is today’s reality.
When you get 14 children, you’re obviously still very immature, especially when you know how contraception works, which seems to be the case. If you get a child without wanting to, and not being prepared, this is generally a sign of a bad maturity.
And yes, there are exceptions like a condom is broken, or whatever, is of course something else. It seems not the case here.
Well, your sister is at least organic, mature as many adults. Most people under 25 have no children at all… I would try to see this from another glasses: as a young mother, she is likely to be able to experience her grandchildren up to several generations and participate in her life. Having a child is not a crime…
And I’m pretty sure my parents wouldn’t allow that 😂
I am quite sure that the office will support financially and will give the opportunity to own apartment.
As soon as I know 14 years old may not live alone
It is understandable in the first situation, as one does not expect this and becomes pregnant is a really big topic, not without reason. Especially when the plan is to keep the baby. This is a huge change for the mother and at that age also for the parents logically. They have already undergone 2 pregnancy and even if you love your children it is a huge task, especially in the first years. Your sister wouldn’t be able to focus on school, she won’t be able to go out just like that, she has hardly any free time for herself, these are things that don’t belong to the child NO, but to the child HABEN. You’re worried and in a difficult situation.
However, rage does not help in such a situation. Your sister is now in a very difficult dilemma and no matter how she decides, that will be something she shapes the rest of life. So she needs a lot of support from you and your parents. I don’t know the circumstances as it happened (wanted or no protection), but that’s definitely what you have to say again after that, but really only when everything is done, it doesn’t help you to present this error every day.
I wish you the best for this situation and hope you will get through well!
That’s what she knows about contraception? Then I absolutely understand why your parents are angry. Your sister has not only made her life much harder if not even ruined, but also that of your parents (and who else has to help now, because you are not able to take care of a child with 14).
Well, I guess the parents didn’t really explain how you were going to school. No, you don’t just get that with (you get things, but that can be all possible), and whether the school is in time, doing a good job, etc… you don’t know. This is simply the task of parents (and school). If parents don’t do that, they should first and foremost be really mad at themselves because they didn’t do that important.
A abortion is, of course, still your sister’s thing if your parents somehow exert pressure. But the parents are just people, and now everything becomes more difficult, everything changes, they now also panic. You need not only care about both of you, but also about the child of your sister to a high degree, at least for now. If something like that should fall away. Of course I think you’re getting angry.
In the longer term, they will hopefully calm down. I understand it humanly, but it doesn’t bring anyone up. That’s it.
Well, no couple of parents will be happy and slapping their hands with luck when the 14-year-old daughter comes home pregnant. Certainly they wanted something else for their daughter and do not want to see their future endangered by a very early maternity. The idea of abortion is also obvious from the parental side – if the minor pregnant woman wants to do so too.
However, the fact of pregnancy is there and cannot be reversed by your mother’s “screaming, plucking and ignoring”.
Despite their own shock as an adult, parents should be able to support their child in this exceptional situation, take it in the arm and seek a solution together with their child.
Isn’t that exactly the task of parents – to love their child unconditionally and especially in difficult and life-changing situations?
And these are?
Happy for your family!
The backgrounds are that they do not have to do it without protection because it is simply irresponsible. In addition, she has no reason to start so early
as I myself have children are parents and 2x godchildren.
Of course, as parents, one is “sour” which now becomes a 14-year-old mother and becomes the life R A D I KAL for all changes. You pretend to be parents, you didn’t explain your child? Why did it go so fast
At the age of 14, she cannot take care of herself, breaks off the school and will be able to enter the professional world very late.
It’s just like that and facts you can’t discuss away.
On the other hand, it is and remains my child and I am of course there for you in good and bad times that is out of question!
Is not obscure and completely comprehensible. 14 years is not an age when you should get pregnant. If the children want to ruin their lives, parents who really care about your children are rarely silent.
What if the parents are angry and scream around? Pregnant is she anyway, it would be helpful to talk to each other alone what she wants and what possibilities there are
Yes but the backgrounds are also noteworthy
Sure but it does not change the situation she is pregnant
I understand that the parents flee. Especially because there is a complaint against the cause of pregnancy, how old is it? If he is full-year and the little one has seduced, he is due to abuse of minors, but if he is about equal, his own parents will also flee, because the duty to pay maintenance would remain on them. Marriage is so or so excluded at the age, even if the two want (and until the age of full, both can re-decide x times, a child is no longer a means of forced marriage!) Or was there a rape in the game? That would be more tedious.
No, she told me she knew him from school, talks to me the most confidential
Do the parents know who the child’s father is? Because in a virgin pregnancy of the Holy Spirit, they will not believe.
No one knows him
it is more than excessive to react by the elders so exaggerated. your behavior is mental abuse and your sister should urgently seek help with the jugendamt and get out.
instead of putting herself in rest and offering her help and giving her time what she wants herself, she is still being misplaced by the side, yelled and ignored.
go quickly with your sister to profamilia, make an appointment and give her time to rest alone. to find out what she wants. to hope is that it will not become like one of your parents one day.
Yes, an initial anger is understandable and that you may also be vaccinated first. But after the first impulse, the conversation has to be constructive again.
And what your parents want to do is to force you to abortion – that’s overriding and punishable.
After the first emotions, your sister should be supported. You have to listen and find out what she wants and support her in it.
Being angry is for the daughter of 14 years certainly anything but a help.
First of all, a “conversation” would be more sensible than to let his anger out. Even when one comes to the realization that something in education or/and also in communication could raise some questions.
The fact that a 14-year-old could not take care of a child alone, let alone the diet could ensure, but makes parents’ discomfort understandable.
The question would be what solutions are found together and whether this can be done without any accusations.
Well, I’ll tell you, you know, kids are jealous earlier. I guess your parents didn’t really work with your sister reconnaissance right now. Then they’re a little bit of their own. But yes, I wouldn’t be happy if my daughter was pregnant at that age.
Education is available at school at the latest
The school is not responsible for this. First and foremost, parents are responsible for this
If you’re too cowardly to treat this in the family… then waiting for the school could not be targeted.
The daughter is a child of parents – not of school.
…and teeth cleaning learn children in kindergarten or how?
Parents have an education job.
According to § 1631 BGB, the care of persons includes the duty and the right to care for the child, to educate, supervise and determine his stay.
In nursing and education, parents should take into account the growing ability and the growing need of the child to act independently responsible. They discuss issues of parental concern and seek agreement with the child, as far as it is appropriate for its state of development.
The children have a right to non-violent education. This means that physical punishment, mental injuries and other degrading measures are inadmissible.
No, wrong thinking. The school is not responsible for telling the pupils that they should not get pregnant with 14. The school clarifies only gender features, diseases and methods of prevention. Everything else is the responsibility of parents. But parents always like to give them away and then wonder…
You’re right. Can you just shake your head
Our family is okay!
Save the effort. Hops and malt appear to be lost in the family.
This is a matter of fact, in this case it is enough to know how to prevent it
My children are 9, 4 and 1.5
Enlightenment begins with “my body belongs to me”
My kids learn this from the beginning and everything else is gradually explained child-friendly with some age-appropriate books
You’re talking to me!
What else is it? Did anything escape me?😂
It’s not about knowledge! How many more??? But forget it, I’m not a parrot. You all don’t seem the brightest.
What else do you want to know? Who is not prevented from getting pregnant, who is prevented from getting pregnant anymore nobody knows here
Yeah, we already had the subject. In theory everyone knows. But it’s your parents’ duty that she’s so enlightened that she won’t get pregnant. But you don’t seem to understand.
She knows how to be prevented, she knows about the diseases, she knows when to get pregnant, etc. What do you want?
Apparently, she doesn’t know anything like you.
I spend relatively much time with her, I know she knows enough
Really? You see that is more important. Otherwise, your sister wouldn’t be pregnant.
It’s about prevention, etc. More is not important
Your little sister is 14 years old. Maybe you should have talked to her about contraception. You can understand that your parents are mad. That they want to force their own daughter to abortion is impossible.
You know about contraception even in primary school
You have any idea. Because the kids think they could be prevented by putting their fingers in their noses. (Oder so similar.)
About Good German too.
Explaining about contraception is certainly not the task of older siblings, but of parents. I think they’ve failed.
Maybe they even did, but anyone pulled the girl into the bushes, then all the enlightenment of the world does nothing. There’s nowhere here who’s the suspected child’s father. A parrot, where the doctor’s play went out? An adult? The Finsterling from the bushes?
Since the sister is so much older, she could have done it anyway.
At least:
You know about contraception even in primary school.
What do you know about contraception? Let me know.
Explain the mistake
It’s grammatically quite wrong.
That this is a nonsense everyone should know