Würdet ihr weiterhin auf Demos gehen?
Wie ihr wahrscheinlich alle mitbekommen habt, ist in München auf einer Verdi-Demo ein Auto in die Menge gerast. Ich bin selbst Verdi-Mitglied und war bei allen Streik-Demos dabei, aber jetzt, nach dem Vorfall in München, weiß ich nicht, ob ich dieses Jahr auch mitmachen soll.
Werdet ihr trotzdem an den Demos teilnehmen?
It’s not just demos: Next time there’s an assassination in the forefront of a football game or a rumble.
Why would we let our free lives take away from such a few mistakes?
It would be much more important if the policy JETZT ENDLICH INS HANDELN KOMMT.
Merz’s proposals were good and correct. I still don’t understand that Green and SPD have rejected them for election reasons!
Yeah, and I’ve written the reason for it many times. Of course, any of these cases is bad. However, given the countless mass events in Germany, there are still relatively little happening. It’s a lot of dangerous home to stay
and in Germany, more people die every year in swallowing ballpoints than being murdered.
https://lukn.de/presse-medien/artikel/2020/02/ ballpoint pen.php
Yeah, I will.
I was on the street today, but unfortunately not in Munich.
I haven’t. If I had done it, I would do it again and again. I like the demonstrators from home.
On a demo on the left, I would go.
Oh, man, always those people who want human rights for everyone. foll nerfig ey
Human rights? Is it a human right to go to crowds or get rid of innocence with the knife?
It was. But they were set to a lack of mass.
I never go to demos
Previously on the hemp parade and CSD but this is a few years ago.
Today I avoid human collections
Yes, go to my third morning.
Yes, I will.
Yeah, I will.
Yes now
That was an accident.
[20:0] In the meantime it seems to be a stop]
There are also sweets
The police?
You know more than others. The police shot
No of the assassin
Yeah, I will.
It’s a nice trick from the right-wing extremists: to send a few assassins to lose, to stop the demos. What a coincidence that the biggest demo against right last took place in Munich…