Würdet ihr Urlaub in China machen?
Also China in der jetzigen Form (Politik, Gesellschaft etc.)
Also China in der jetzigen Form (Politik, Gesellschaft etc.)
Hallo, ich habe am Ende Juni und Anfang Juli zwei Wochen Urlaub und ich will irgendwo reisen, aber ich habe leider das Problem, dass ich keine Person habe, der mit mir zum Urlaub gehen kann. Ich überlege mich, dass ich irgendwo allein in Deutschland für 3-4 Tage Urlaub mache, aber ich habe es nie gemacht…
Hallo, ich bräuchte für ein Referat Hilfe beim Thema chinesische Hochkultur. Leider habe ich im Internet kaum bis nichts über das Thema gefunden. Auch auf Wikipedia gibt es keinen Eintrag. (Kultur ist nicht Hochkultur ☝️) Da ich zu dem Thema überhaupt kein Wissen habe, fällt es mir schwer etwas spezifischer auf Google zu suchen. Habt…
Hi, in welchen Ländern sind die Menschen am nettesten? Du kannst auch andere nennen :))
Ist doch schön wenn man wieder vor den Wahlen (Kommunalwahlen im Mai, Europawahl Anfang Juni), ein bisschen Stimmung machen kann. Jetzt haben Sie Ex-RAF-Terroristin Daniela Klette festgenommen nach 33 Jahren wo es die RAF (Rote Armee Fraktion) nicht mehr gibt, für Verbrechen die verjährt sind und weil man befürchtet einer 65jährige Frau könnte das Geld…
siehe Titelüberschrift!
Sure. Was already in PRC and would have had no problems again, even as ROC Chinese.
Taiwan; China
ROC= Republic of China // Taiwan
PRC = People’s Republic of China
Sure. Why not? I’ve been there a couple times, and I think it’s great every time. Delicious food, great mix of tradition and modernity. Nice people. An incredible variety of culture. And life there often feels more relaxed. Every few meters there are people who dance to Chinese music or perform sword dances etc.
And now it is much safer there than 15 years ago.
I don’t care about politics. I don’t have to do that. Neither there nor here.
Boycotting such a large, multifaceted country due to its political leadership is the purest childish arrogance.
I personally am open to every country for a visit – it is always nice to meet the different people of the world. I do not think that rejecting all these people on the basis of a flat-rate opinion on politics is the right attitude.
LG and beautiful day
Find it politically bad but usa and many other countries are not better. And culturally and from the location and language and food I just love China
There are some countries that have interesting cultural sites as well as China.
Once standing on the Chinese wall would have its charm!
Politics and society really don’t touch me. You’re hardly interested in me…
I’d like to see you again. I really liked it back then.
I’m too far away and such a strange culture and I don’t know if they speak English everywhere and I think I’d lose myself there. And have no fun.
I’ve been there and I never want to go there again.
Know people living in Dl. and working in China. It’s a fight with the visa and one with the phone. If you have to work there, don’t take your own phone. He’ll get one at the airport. I don’t know who’s going to do anything. Personally, it’s too creepy. Vacation must be careless.
I don’t see a reason.
Never, people disappear as fast as in Russia:
You can quickly be sent to a war even though you’re just a tourist.
What war?
As you say that, there should have been numerous wars where China sent tourists to the front.
Ukraine, Taiwan Overfall Exercises standing daily.
I would like to have a source that they are sent to war quickly.
You just have to read the messages.
What are they talking about?
You might be from a parallel universe. However, this is not the case in the local universe.
C’mon there’s so much you don’t want to go to the PRC, you don’t have to invent anything.
Ahja 😂
Who doesn’t know her. All the soldiers from China on the front in Ukraine, right next to them Herbert and Margarete from Shanghai vacation.
But you realize that the PLA has more than enough volunteers? They don’t even take one more than Chinese….
I have no interest in