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1 month ago

Yes an ex of me then that was intense. It already took psychopathic and sociopathic trains from her. A house moved on from me to watch me with binoculars. She knew when I was home and at work. It’s all written. Has fake been broken by arglist and simulated to get help to live so she has all day time to stalk me. When I came home or went to work, she was standing a street and always watching me ate a little bite she has. Dead birds/ratt in my mailbox. Post and packages cleverly stolen or intercepted. Or cook twice in the mailbox. All fake orders have made them to me in advance by taking always. UPS. Z.b pictures were sent to me where I ignorantly were made. She took people from the left scene to me. Because I’m an n@zi (but I’m a political center) . Z.b.

1 month ago
Reply to  Zirkusliebe

If they call you a Nazi, one already sees that there is a disturbance of perception. … already bad… I had once… once fascated. a child killed, etc. There were other things. Dead birds etc. is already bad… sending without having ordered… I know. And many other similar things you list. I’ve had this with people from my environment, who then showed “presence” trying to get in touch, and I suspected some of the drugs were in the game because normal isn’t such a behavior. Especially when they chase you because you’re supposed to be Nazi or something. You can only try to take a distance. No personal relationship building etc. What else does not help. And if necessary initiate contact bans. It started with me that someone had some kind of anxiety psychosis from his own turmoil, and that spread out or I suddenly had to do with contacts from him… there were also such things: You really bad.

1 month ago

I wouldn’t say real stalking, but there were two girls standing at my door every night and watching if I’m at home, then throwing stones at the window to alert themselves. ^^

1 month ago
Reply to  SirSilenius

you can make a dismissal statement or something… Letter…

1 month ago
Reply to  chilly10

Jo, this was more than 20 years ago and was kind of sweet, though some creepy.

But it was kind of nice to be “loved”. ^^

1 month ago

I would just find creepy

1 month ago

Over three years and that was hell. I even had fears of death because you never know what such bullshits are capable of. I worked closely with the police at the time, but they also couldn’t protect me because “nothing happened.”

1 month ago

No. Not that I know.

1 month ago

more often I have no social media anymore because of stalking it excites me so and so many make eye then I prefer to live without social media and have a quiet life

1 month ago
Reply to  leyloooo00111

They usually guess at the beginning… so that the stalker doesn’t have a personal picture of you or something like… everything your “person” actually shows… but… at the end, there’s a lot of room again… it was on- and offline…

1 month ago

No. I’m at the most.

1 month ago

had already had such a problem with the vaccination…

1 month ago


Idk…can be…so I don’t know about it.☺️🤣

LG Maike

1 month ago

Yeah, not just once.

1 month ago

Not that I know.

1 month ago

Not only by individuals.

1 month ago

often, often, often

1 month ago

Yeah, a patient, but I didn’t know he was behind it first. All these years the behavior was normal until it escaped and finished me.

It was burdensome, he was in front of my front door in the morning, it was devastating.

He was always overwhelmed, brought flowers with him, but then ordinary, perverse letters always came with identical spelling errors. One day in practice he spoke this one word wrong.

My partner took all the letters, torn them, and threw them at the stalker in the mailbox, from there was rest.

1 month ago
