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but only because you chose this not only as a profile image for those who then click on you, or correspond or otherwise, but for this anonymous mass here. I would never and never do it!
So for me this is clear, although I have to say that I hardly have to look at such images, which is so small by the name, I only perceive it as a colorful stain.^^
Hello JoschuaB100.
The picture was very successful. You can see landscape, water and an interesting sky. You’re on your bike. I like the picture very well.
It shows you are sporty and natural. 👍
Profile images can of course show landscapes. But if you want to be on it yourself, you should also be at the centre and not really “mummed” at the edge of the picture.
But I find it a little too dark, as beautiful as it is.
I find peaceful and expressive. Idylle.
It is better to “below” and stay anonymous.
To another answer from you:
“The money is bad
It is simply very unfairly distributed. Very few have a lot, the broad mass has just enough and then there are many who can hardly live. Moreover, money is often over human lives and that is not right.”
You know, I’ve read all your questions for a while now (you can get to know the character and personality of a person online usually the fastest eater) and many of your answers and would like to give you a free advice:
I am active here on Gf for a long time and therefore (as I believe) you can recognize personality/character of people on the basis of their texts and am therefore somewhat annoyed about you, for one thing you are a totally sensitive person, with really above average high ideals, but on the other hand you are selling this spiritual greatness to them your lower shoots and pleasures of senses, that you can only recognize spiritual desires.
Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t bother me that you want to live out your sexual desires, it just bothers me that you lose your great spiritual personality and then let the “big dog” out in you completely uncontrollably (I’m writing this deliberately so hard because the statement is correct and because I think you can hold this honesty). And I don’t write this to offend you, but worry about you that once you’re 18 and then at some point get away from home, you’re going to go through a rough change that will make you fall into your sexual obsessions more and more. You understand, the testimony is; Do not sell your humanity, your soul for your sensual pleasures, but keep control as an inner rich, characteristically valuable person.
I would also recommend that you seek a friend, or a friend who is primarily due to her personality and loves and finds secondary physically appealing and try to enter a longer-term relationship with this person, because otherwise, like countless other young people, you will die the long-lasting (in some cases fast) personality death, which means that the person will be slowly and shiny
The counter-design would be that one is internally strong and truthful (authentic) and with the people in ener sovereign, healthy way is friendly, loving and honest and not as most people today are internally weak and hard to the outside, or even staged a spectacle to get as much love and recognition as possible, which is ultimately worth nothing, it is not based on truthfulness and self-deception.
I hope you take this to heart because the world cannot afford to lose more and more of the real, authentic, inner rich people.
Oh, and the answer from you, which I have copied to the top of the comment, I wanted to show you as proof of your mind and inner wealth, which you can get the upper hand again in clear moments. It would be nice if most of the time had to say and not vice versa.
Wow! Thank you for taking so much time to write this. You’re really right, and I realize that for my sexual pleasure I’m throwing a lot of reason and other things overboard, just to get my will.
Hello, so I think this is a great photo. That looks pretty professional.
Actually, I imagine a photo on the cover of a book, as a cover, right?
Of course, I come to the conclusion that it is almost too bad as a profile picture.
Now I’ve been tipping ‘maybe’.
Where? Not more. The profile images are just on a mobile device relatively tiny. You don’t really know what. This will be: some white spot in the color mix.
On Ner other platform where the Pb is shown to be larger it can work.
But try it out. It’s not like you can never change the profile picture again.
Yeah, well, say you can take this as a profile picture. ECT
LG Maike🤗
Depends on where you want to adjust it and where for.
Hi. Yes, this is a great picture where you can also start something if you like it (for example if someone wants to know who you are).
L.g. Jan
Better with the normal camera and not the wide angle.
You can take it. As a profile picture, I would rather understand if you weren’t wearing glasses.
Why not
Yes Fits the whole face from the front would be better.
Is ok but it would be better if you let someone photograph you like standing in front of the bike and looking into the camera
Yes, why not?🙂
It shows your joy in sports and nature, which is very positive. 😃
Sure you can take this photo. 👍
you always have to decide what you want to show and what you want to say. I don’t think you’ll find a profile on which I can see myself.
Yeah, if you like it, why not?
Can you see how it feels? Change always goes
Yeah, I see a lot of verse.
You can take whatever you want.
Looks strange due to distortion
can be done…is an average profile for me…
to the left – great landscape?
with the eye protectors?
Depends on what size the profile image is displayed. If you think about GF, it’s not suitable as an avatar. It would be okay as a profile banner.
Cool photo, cool bike, cool outfit
Where is that?
I was in the Netherlands 🙂
Cool! I like to ride a bike, but I haven’t been driving in paradise yet. Next year maybe :).
Can only recommend it!
I like to drive. Residence near the largest bike park in Germany
Works out.
Hey, why?
Because it is.
That would be a cool profile!
I’ll never say that.
If you like it.
Hello, JoschuaB100.
Sure, why not.
Put it in, then you see how it works….
Greetings, Renate.
Why not?
Why not, it shows how sporty you are and what you have for a great bike.