Würdet ihr sagen das ein FSJ teilweise Ausbeutung ist?

Guten Morgen,

ich mache derzeit mein FSJ im Rettungsdienst und bin persönlich etwas unzufrieden was den Ablauf angeht, die eigentlichen Tätigkeiten dagegen sind toll.

Als FSJ‘ler Arbeitet man genau so viel wie als Hauptamtlicher.
Das heißt konkret auch häufige Nachtdienste, sowie Dienste an Feiertagen, Weinachten, Silvester, Wochenenden, usw…

Dafür erhält man aktuell 410€ im Monat. Ohne Wohnmöglichkeit, was einen noch von seinen Eltern abhängig macht.

Es gibt keine Zuschläge für häufig vorkommende Überstunden, Nacht und Feiertagsdienste, nichts.

Auch wenn es sich um ein FSJ handelt es sich bei einem FSJ meiner Meinung nach einfach nur um den Versuch den extremen Mangel an Arbeitskräften im Gesundheitswesen mit Billigarbeiten zu ersetzen.

Würdet ihr dem zustimmen oder habt ihr da eine ganz andere Auffassung?

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2 years ago


a Voluntary Service in Rescue Service is in itself a special case – the “practical aid activity” which is supposed to be an FSJ or BFD by law can hardly be implemented in this area.

The voluntary service providers are therefore qualified accordingly and in accordance with Retirement service qualification used.

The use is simply based on the usual conditions in the rescue service with 12-hour shifts, weekend, holiday and night work – although usually there are regulations on the part of the carrier so that it does not take over.

Although an FSJ is, in my opinion, simply trying to replace the extreme lack of health workers with cheap work.

Jein – where there may be considerable differences depending on the organization.

Workstations could also be easily occupied with regular forces – appropriate posts are often enough free.

If you have the choice of occupying a place practically cost-neutral, in most cases, however, the option is also made.

Would you agree or do you have a completely different view?

After “self made an FSJ in the rescue service” and a few years observation as it goes with others, the finding remains

  • if FSJ, should one consider the field of “rescue service” and
  • where: Rescue, you should think about the FSJ.

There are few candidates who tend to benefit from this combination – for example those who need the school part of the professional training course or those who want to earn points for medical studies.

Otherwise – just financial – others Access to the rescue service more attractive (and more lucrative).


In principle, nothing speaks against an FSJ – in the case of the “rescue service” field, the benefit (in particular a paid employment service qualification) for the volunteer service provider is rather low and the working conditions can easily go towards “exploitation”.

If the professional goal is in the rescue service anyway, I would rather recommend other options of entry.


2 years ago

I made an FSJ myself in the rescue service. This made me enter the rescue service in 2011. At that time, of course, it was great to get the RS training funded. That was the only real benefit of this year.

When looking closely afterwards, an FSJ in the rescue service is of course the maximum yield and I would no longer recommend it. For a threeth pocket money, 100% is replaced by an official body, round the clock, with all activities and full responsibility.

Although an FSJ is, in my opinion, simply trying to replace the extreme lack of health workers with cheap work.

Absolutely correct: the so-called “help organizations” like to replace general workers with all possible unpaid or unpaid forces.

2 years ago

Would you agree or do you have a completely different view?

Yes, I have a completely different view.

In my opinion, today it is so that people see “the state” as a kind of service provider and they have a right to comprehensive service with the payment of taxes.

They overlook that “the state” is no other than we all together. Say: Every one of us has something to help our community work as we want it to work.

That was much more conscious of people than today. There it was completely normal that every man had spent a certain time (about 1.5 years, at the end of 6 months) at the Bundeswehr. And it was obvious for many people to take over an honorary office in the real sense (e.g. city/municipal councils, LSHD/THW, volunteer fire brigade, DRK, etc.) or to engage in an association – that is to say for a certain time to take over a work for the general public.

With the positive side effect that, as a young person, one has often learned something for life and one or the other has also found the entry into a later profession he would never have thought of before. Here, especially in the so important social field or military service.

Although an FSJ is, in my opinion, simply trying to replace the extreme lack of health workers with cheap work.

As I said, I do not see this as an exploitation, but as a temporary contribution to the general good and as an opportunity to learn something new and get an insight into a social area that is usually very limited.

2 years ago

I think it’s all right. I’m just doing an FSJ in the rescue. That was the only way for me to do the training at all.

I don’t have to do night services or Sundays or holidays. On the RTW I am only associated with a main professional who bears all responsibility and also takes decisions (although I am a finished RS). I only have responsibility in the sense that I have to say it if I can’t or I’m insecure.

Only in the case of medical transport we are on the move without a major professional and have the responsibility. Of course, it can also come to emergencies (and has happened to me in my first week). But then it is more about being a first-aider until the RTW is there. Finally, a trained RS should be at least a first aid.

I only have to work 34 hours a week, overtime is not paid but dismantled. However, I only get 280€ a month.

Sure, I’d like to get more. But at least with me, the FSJ is actually perfect to get an insight into the professional field without the constant pressure of responsibility. I therefore do not find it at least with me. If, of course, I really had the full responsibility lasting, it would be quite different.

2 years ago

The FSJ is voluntary, you can stop at any time.

Maybe you want to do an education in this profession?

The school year just started, depending on the federal state. I’m sure the rescue service is still looking for trainees. Maybe not just where you are now.

2 years ago

You have no professional experience and certainly not the same responsibility as a learned person.

And you’re not forced to do the FSJ.

So your demands are a little high, at least in my eyes. You can’t always have everything.

2 years ago
Reply to  annie80

Of course he has the same responsibility. A (e.g.) RS always has the same function, whether it is general, voluntary or FSJler.

2 years ago

Like a trained specialist?

2 years ago

Okay, that may be. I might have understood something wrong.

2 years ago

Because of me, you can do an FSJ with 15 but don’t stop in the rescue service. And this is all about: an FSJ in the rescue service. This can be done very well, but at least the qualification of the Rettubgshelfer must be obtained.

2 years ago

You write up:

An FSJler IST trained specialist.

However, since an FSJ can already be made at 15, and that it can only take half a year, it cannot be the case in principle. It may have been like this to you, but it’s not like that.

2 years ago

WAS depends on WELCHEN circumstances? This website has no connection with the original theme.

2 years ago

This then depends on the circumstances, e.g. B. this website shows.

2 years ago

Of course. An FSJler IST trained specialist. It’s completely awkward what contract an employee has in the rescue service: general, voluntary, FSJ, BFD or former civil service. If it has the necessary qualification for the function, it is used, finished.

I started my FSJ at ASB at that time, was trained as a rescue agent and then drove as such.

The required qualification of rescue workers is prescribed by the federal state.

2 years ago

It is not an exploitation, but a service for the company that is voluntarily completed.

Besides the pocket money you get, he has even more advantages: Sozial insurance, child benefit, benefits in the distribution of study places. And the FSJ is evaluated as a professional part of the professional training.

Anyone who does not want to do this can also do or work instead of an FSJ. Everybody’s free.

2 years ago


It’s a voluntary exploitation.

By the way, I am in favour of the re-establishment of conscription. Then there would be enough civilian service providers to compensate for the lack of personnel in care and health care.

2 years ago

Then why do a fsj? Make direct normal work, normal contract or direct training.

2 years ago

An FSJ is a volunteer service. You don’t have to do this, and you chose the workspace yourself.

FSJler work as the site is working. If you had gone to a kita, you wouldn’t have a night shift 😉

2 years ago
Reply to  HunaBuba14

How old are you and why do you sign a waiver if it is forbidden?

2 years ago

In an FSJ, in fact, only a small “pocket money” is paid instead of a work allowance, but if necessary there is also a claim for free accommodation and meals from the carrier organization.

which makes you dependent on his parents.

Which in principle would only be directed to your own decision. Your parents don’t get any additional financial costs if you would complete your FSJ, for example, in another state or even abroad.

In addition, during the FSJ there is also a basic entitlement to child benefit and free further insurance in a PKV or family insurance .

In a (i.e. craftsmanship) training, you also have to take full responsibility from the outset, and in schooling / studying would be Your parents are also primarily dependent on you.

Ultimately, no one forces you to an FSJ, unlike before in the election BW – Wehrpflicht or ZiVi, and you can choose the FSJ yourself .