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Probably not the past performance is just a factor of many. Conversely, I would not only buy a share because it has gone well for the past 10 years. This is just one of several indicators that should be considered.
No, probably not. Unless I’d be behind the paper for very special reasons.
However, you can also make profits with Pennystocks – or you can savour yourself.
No, because I’m losing money
What’s your name? The course of pastness is not an indicator of the future. Not only applies to climbing courses. But honestly, according to my opinion, the course of the past already gives a certain prognosis for the future.
He is. You just have to read it.
A man had invested in shares and then some currency broke together and he had lost over 200k
Eben, you realized right. To 100% is nothing on the stock exchange. I act every day on either things that have happened a few days ago (no events but just a block of orders or something) or statistical things that have more often turned out to be correct in the past than as a duck.
Everyone who says the opposite was either never on the stock exchange or has only lost losses and therefore no idea.
I even believe you. As long as the concrete is on indicator. I’ve already been upset by myself that this word was so often knocked around my ears. Although I believe that the past course is a certain direction for the future. Only of course not 100%
To see how it goes on slowly downhill?
If you’re shocking.
Medical properties trust for example there are currently 13% dividend and they are most likely either going to Pleite soon or they can save themselves and then you can realize further fat dividends and perhaps even again price gains.
It depends on…
What is the reason why the share has lost value and is a change of course foreseeable?
Glyphosate. This is the dax Group Bayer
Dicamba also has problems, and the figures do not indicate a rapid recovery.
I wouldn’t buy.
No, I am in the moment – and also the next years (if at all) – not investing on the stock market in the long term. I like better in the short term.
Why would I buy such a share?