Würdet ihr mit Ryanair fliegen?
Nutzen die nicht boeing 737 max, eine Maschine die zweimal abgestürzt vor 3 Jahre abgestürzt ist wegen technische Fehler?
Nutzen die nicht boeing 737 max, eine Maschine die zweimal abgestürzt vor 3 Jahre abgestürzt ist wegen technische Fehler?
Hallo. Bin gerade in Finnland und habe mir in einem Souvenirshop einen Flaschenöffner aus einem Stück Rentiergeweih gekauft. Leider etwas zu spät stell ich mir nun doch die frage ob ich dieses im Koffer nach Deutschland mitnehmen darf? Leider konnte ich im internet nichts konkretes finden.
Hey Leute! Ist einer von euch in den letzten Wochen vom Frankfurter Flughafen abgereist und kann mit mir über die Situation bezüglich Wartezeiten, langen Schlangen und Flugausfällen seine Erfahrungen teilen? Habe im August einen sehr wichtigen Flug aus Frankfurt in die USA bin auch schon dutzende male dort abgereist, die ganzen Berichte in den Medien…
Ich will nächstes Jahr einen Flug von Lissabon (Portugal) nach Fortaleza (Brasilien) buchen und selbst die Economy Class kann irgendwie voll Luxus sein. Welches Flugzeug von TAP Air Portugal ist am meisten Luxus?
oder von denen ihr gehört habt.
Möchte mit lufthansa fliegen und dann air dolomiti …wie funktioniert das mit dem Flugticket ??
Hello moin9875,
you can fly good conscience with Ryanair. I’ve done it and I’m a pilot myself. As my previous speaker said, Ryanair must follow the EASA (European Air Safety Authority) rules as well as Lufthansa or any other airlines that use the European airspace.
Do not worry and enjoy your flight!
P.S.: By the way, no Ryanair machine has yet been fatalized. Thus, the company is even more secure than Lufthansa, for example.
The 737 has been flying in different versions for over 50 years. In the meantime, a number of over 11,000 has been arrived.
At any time, around the 2000 pieces are in the air!
The 737 is one of the most built passenger aircraft in the world, and accordingly has “many” losses. There are only 95 fatal accidents in numbers from the 11,000 pieces. These are about 0.8% of each 737 built. The 737 has probably transported billions of passengers over 50 years.
That’s why it’s not surprising that you hear so often that a 737 has crashed. Those in Ethiopia and Indonesia were MAX versions, and they simply had an MCAS problem that has been fixed for a long time.
You’re using 737-800 as far as I’m up to date. Ryanair planes are as well maintained as those of the classic airlines, otherwise they would not pass the strict EASA guidelines. They save that they only fly 1 type, thus enormous training costs of the staff, at the lower maximum baggage weights, high overlay rates, on-board sales and point-to-point philosophy (no free rebooking at delay of the delivery flight) et c. But the planes are well repaired, so you can get in. The yellow seats and the tight seating are somewhat annoying, but it is played at the Boarding Vivaldi.
They have several Max in the fleet
In order, according to the website.
Surely a plane has to be like a car to the TÜV, a train to HU, also for regular test before being allowed to air.
currently no 737 max.
Source: https://www.ryanair.com/en/de/user-infos/uber-uns/unsere fleet
Ryanair currently has 737 MAX aircraft.
The page is no longer accessible.
I wouldn’t fly with Ryanair for all other reasons…
Let be said that the 737max is not necessarily a bad plane but joa boeing has just managed to destroy its good call from its own fault. You could have brought out a class plane but boeing has jacked how why is everything for various reasons and well no easy fast story.
Can recommend the channel aero news germany on you tube to any air trip interested or 737max interested in it he is pilot and says quite reasonable things