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Winter ist Raclette-Zeit?
Entweder zu Silvester oder Um Weihnachten wird bei vielen immer wieder Raclette gemacht. Meine Frage: Welches sind “die besten Pfännchen die du je gmeacht hast”. Ich will keine Online Rezepte hier reinkopiert haben. Ich will von dir ganz konkret wissen was du tatsächlich gerne in dein Pfännchen packst. Meinetwegen darfst du die Idee gerne aus…
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We bekomme ich die Schmuckschatulle meiner oma auf?
Meine Oma ist seit 1 Woche von uns gegangen und ihren Schmuckkasten kann ich nicht öffnen, wer weiß wo sie sonst den Schlüssel versteckt hat😒😒😒. Leider finden wir den nicht und es ist uns leider nicht gelungen ihre Sachen in dem Schmuckkasten zu erbeuten😒😒😒 Was sollen wir tun? Habt ihr Tricks?
I am currently satisfied with my car (Benziner). Just made inspection and until the next main examination it also takes a while. I’d probably do the money. In two years or so, the situation might look different.
It’s because I live in the middle of the city, no car. Parksitation so already for moaning, charging stations would be quite fun here.. always use Öffis.
I can buy many year tickets from the coal 🙂
In the country where bad Öffi connection and enough space: I can make it sensible, yes
As part of the aftermath, I drive my car further until it falls apart. So far, I can afford two better cars than the lumpy Tesla. Today it would be a Polestar 2 – solid and not as ugly as the Tesla.
Yeah, maybe. I don’t have a driving licence at the moment
It’s not really up to date.
Since I already have one, I would buy another condominium and rent it to students in Kiel.
Nö, invest some of the money and get me for 50k nen 69er Dodge Charger RT or have a BMW E30 equipped with nem 3.2l R6 or 4l V8 M3 engine and build up 🤔
You are a disappointment for the Refa economy
Passport Bro
I’ll have another small wind turbine set up from the rest. After that, Greta can kiss me where the sun will never shine.
But probably no gasoline, a turbo diesel is more efficient for pulling trailers.
No! Would you rather buy me something else or save me!
In no case, as long as I can avoid it, I don’t have an e-car in the garage.
Would put at least 70% and do something else with the rest
I’d put this on the side for retirement age because if I’m ready, there’s hardly anything else.
I’ve got enough stuff I’d buy and more important than an e-car.
Invest or use as start capital for a company.
There are far better ways of Ivestion than in Tesla
A small ETW for rent.
No, I’m not a fan of e-cars
No, I wouldn’t…
My old car is enough. I would put the money in the renovation of our house. That makes sense.
minimalist life and stop working
I’d be able to do the plan:
Great thing with a decisive error: 2 wheels and 1 back work – vice versa is criminally unstable and who has not even understood this is deeply incompetent and therefore this company will go down.
Then they’ve been doing everything wrong for 30 years? And the producers of Trikes too? And Reliant and Ape too?
Can you suggest that?
Could be much more successful with the right distribution of the wheels… You could learn…
Well, as it is, the TWIKE 2 has been built since the beginning of the 90s and a loss of the company is currently not to be seen.
Trikes are suitable for tastefully lost under-exposed people who like to combine the disadvantages of car and motorcycle. Also gives bikes with 2 wheels on the front – simply because this is so much better.
just the Reliant flips around and also with the Ape you have to watch. Morgan does it right.