Würdet ihr mir empfehlen diese Drohne zu kaufen?
Ich hatte noch nie eine Drohne und konnte dafür höchsten 150 Euro ausgeben. Würdet ihr mir diese empfehlen oder lieber doch eine Andere? Wenn ja welche? Und mit Link bitte! Ich suche eine mit Kamera, dir auch gut zu transportieren ist. Bitte nur wirklich nicht mehr als 150 Euro. Sie muss auch nicht extrem gut sein für den Anfang.
It always depends on what you’re talking to the device.
In principle, you can go to one thing: if a drone is sold for such an extremely low price and optically leans to another, well-known drone of a more expensive brand manufacturer or attempts to copy it properly, then you have a bad product with these devices IMMER.
In this case, the bird recalls the DJI Mini in the most extreme way. Unfortunately, just ashamed hardware is installed here.
Such birds lie in the air, the video and image compression is underground and because that is so, it doesn’t take advantage of anything that says “HD”. If the hardware isn’t up there, the note on “HD” doesn’t use anything.
9 to 10 minutes flight time are also simply not as good and as it looks, the device does not have GPS.
The only device that only provides good recordings within this price class would be the Tello, which you will find here:
DJI Ryze Tech Tello
But I can tell you that there isn’t much going on. To get some pleasure in flying and recordings, you should hope for a used DJI Mini 1 that could be available in this price segment. Otherwise, the price class then rises drastically. The cover of this product chain is simple: you can’t spend the money for a 20-year-old Opel Corsa to get a middle class BMW.
This is junk. Please get one of DJI. They’re worth their money. Please remember liability insurance for drones and registration with the Federal Aviation Agency!
There are a lot of regulations! Key word: drone regulation!
For 150 you may get a used DJI MINI SE.
Buy the Ryze Tello…
This gives you experiences, with the DJI copies unfortunately not…
Before you buy one at all, familiarize yourself with the new rules, who can and may use the drone.
You get link in other questions about threats.