Würdet ihr meinen, dass Ehrlichkeit und aufrichtig faires Handeln, mit sich selbst im Reinen sein, am längsten währt?

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1 month ago

Yes, for a spiritually healthy person will not come to recognize all his actions. He can’t separate himself from his own lies without being spiritually torn through this split! The term “knowledge” is based on “knowledge”, that is, knowledge. Whoever acts unjust, lies, hates etc. knows that he lies or hates.

However, it is also that a person with himself can seem to be in pureness, even though he acts unjustly. He chooses to be the righteous, who must be injustice, for example, to act correctly morally.

I think an honest, conscientious act can also lead to conflicts inside. When one balances his actions with his individual “knowledge contents”.

“Why do I have disadvantages here and there because I want to be honest, integrity, fair and just? Am I the depp in a world, in which dishonestness, egocentricity, disrespect etc. promises something better in a way?”

One way to find something satisfactory and while in this difficult “value-finding” could be the consideration: Does a mind, when it comes to others, also have something fair for me? quasi according to the well-known motto: what I don’t want to do, what I do…

You can always feel an injustice emanating from other people if it is just self-related OK from the other waiting.

But for everyone else, this waiting is your original.

I think honesty also means to act in honor, in turn there is “worm”, and whoever acts unworthy basically discredits not only the dignity of each other, but also his own. Why?

Think about yourself: Isn’t the unanimity I’m better off without dignity?

How can one be in the clean with such a (recognized) self-definition?

1 month ago

It’s the longest against guilt.

1 month ago

Of course!

1 month ago

The longest it will be adaptable and still authentic. Honesty is only good if the form does not harm anyone. Righteous action is only good if nobody pulls you over the table. Being with yourself in pureness is extremely rare and nothing you should constantly strive for is a stress. It comes from itself.

1 month ago
