Würdet ihr im Bau arbeiten?
Ist die Abneigung gegen im Bau Arbeiten gerechtfertigt?
Weil erstens glaube ich nicht, dass mein Körper stark genug ist, um sowas wie Maurer zu sein.
Und zweitens will ich nicht unbedingt mit 50 schon ein totaler Pflegefall sein.
Wie seht ihr das? Findet ihr die Bauindustrie auch unattraktiv als Arbeitgeber?
Würdet ihr im Bau krüppeln für wenig Lohn? Oder würdet ihr auch alles tun um zu vermeiden im Bau arbeiten zu müssen?
Hm a single stone is not so extremely heavy, vllt 25 kg. Depends on the material. I wouldn’t do the job because I don’t want to work in the dirt.
I’ll deliver packages and mail, there’ll be some knockers. Physical activity is therefore not a problem. Well, and at some point, every person dies, one sooner the other, the strenuous jobs must be done and if someone is the job.
Otherwise, today, pay is more likely to be the problem that people prefer to stay at home, as citizens’ money is attractive.
Boris Palmer complains that in Tübingen a police officer (studium) with Familys + 2 Kids has only 300€ more monthly in their pockets than a comparable family constellation in civil money. This is a problem in many industries that hinders the economy and progress.
I wasn’t born to do low work.
Okay, so building people at home is not a low work with me, but if you want to do something else, please. If you want to take civic money, it’ll stop if you handle it with your specialist so that you get money and they’ll leave you alone.
There are people who can’t work, that’s when they get help, I’d rather beg or steal because they’re hungry.
I didn’t learn the job, so I can’t say anything, but it’s an important job. Meet other people with respect and respect. Or do you live in a cave?
Well, it doesn’t need much education.
Would never work there
Wouldn’t come to my mind now
I’m physically too hard to work on construction.
All right with your Nick “Human”
You give up before you start….you can also apply as a night watchman, isn’t so strenuous and the money is just that….
Well, well, but probably doesn’t bring much.
The U.S. has alternately hated every profession that exists throughout Germany or he is incapable of work without proof or otherwise has a reason why it is absolutely impossible for him to do something else than on GF to jammer.
…and still expects the big pity cookie with extra chocolate!
No. I’ll let you build.
I wouldn’t work in construction so long as I can avoid it. Too little money and also too little interest would be dead boring for me and additionally physically strenuous .
If craftsmanship then I would rather choose Monteur or something or garden landscape construction
So I’m not lazy about that?
That’s not why. Don’t eat for everyone. Others wouldn’t have a bump on the office job.
Then it’s better to build a building site; significantly better machine use and better weatherproof.
I generally find physically hard work stupid.
Yeah, that’s true. Does everything have any disadvantages but think that would be more fun than to pull up a wall or something
Physical work you find stupid and for mental work you are inappropriate, there is no more….
Yes I also prefer something to do, but not the body.
I wouldn’t want to work on construction, but fortunately there are many other professions
You’ll have to if you’re in prison. 😉
No, and I won’t.
I can’t work hard physically because I’m not built accordingly.
Some say that’s an excuse.
I don’t care what some say. I have a job, I’m going to work, that’s right.