Würdet ihr gerne von Deutschland auswandern wollen?
Wenn ja, warum wollt ihr auswandern? In welches Land und in welcher Stadt würdet ihr gerne leben wollen?
Die meisten machen sicher Pauschalreise. Urlaub.Ich habe mich gefragt, was ist teuer für Euch? Ich las vorhin etwas von wegen, viele können sich Urlaub nicht mehr leisten. Mir ist klar, die Flugpreise sind wirklich extrem gestiegen.
Hallo, ich bin gerade mit dem Wohnmobil unterwegs. Gerade bin ich in Österreich und möchte morgen nach Rumänien. Heißt, ich muss auch über Ungarn. Ist meine Vignette die ich in Österreich gekauft habe dann auch in Ungarn gültig, oder was gibt es da?
Hi ich wollte mal fragen ob ich theoretisch in Deutschland mein Abitur anfangen kann und sollte ich zwischendurch nach Österreich ziehen, könnte ich es dort weitermachen und beenden mit sozusagen den gleichen Abschluss? Weiß jemand darüber Bescheid wenn ja mir bitte sagen und vielen Dank
Ich würde gerne wissen, was jeweils die Ziele und Einstellung von Deutschland und Großbritannien waren (bezüglich der Kolonien). Ich bedanke mich im Voraus bei jeder Antwort, die ich kriegen kann 🙂
Ich habe eine Frage Was passiert wenn ein Flugzeug abgestürzt ist wird es zu Schrottplatz gebracht ✌🏻 oder wird es in einen Depo gebracht dort zu Erkundigen wie bei Turkish Airlines 2009 in Amsterdam schiphol Und da steht irgendwas mit Stuttgart was bedeutet das Danke
Most likely to Medina, quite honestly. But is very heavy, so I will emigrate to Turkey insha’Allah. But I still want to build mosques in different countries, I want to keep as languages narrow, deu, turkish and improve my fr and Arabic still a lot so that I can communicate with as good as almost everyone, I want to be in high-Arab.
It would not be wrong to own several apartment in other countries. Turkey should rather be my base where I will be the most, I would like to have at least one big house there and a special apartment with 2 rooms, one of which should be an Islamic library with many ahadith books, then maybe there should be one more bedroom, more must not have the apartment, my goal is to have the small apartment for me and my wife, which is great then insha’Allah when our first child is generally old enough and we will have kids.
The house can be quietly bigger if Allah allows me I will have many children and give them the true peaceful Islam.
I have to find a woman who wants all this. Not every woman wants to emigrate
Why can’t you go to Medina?
I’m pressing the thumbs that your emigration takes place in time.
If I were much younger, I might think about it, but today I’m staying where I am.
Two years I lived and worked in Austria….
Maybe if I were 30 years younger and had enough money.
here I am home
Well, you never should say. But at the moment I see absolutely no need or any reason to emigrate
But only as a winter emigrant. So I would like to live in some warmer country in winter from November to March, otherwise I really like Germany quite well.
My long-term plan is already. However, I do not exclude staying in Germany. Who knows maybe I find my dream job and/or my great love here. Never say.
If I leave Germany, it will go to Spain for me. Definitely. However, it will only go there for me if I can provide myself there alone, i.e. have a firm job or have saved so much that I would come around for 1 year. And until then I work so hard for my dream.
No. My partner and my friends live in Germany, give up my house? Never! And the whole effort and stress. I could imagine living in the city where I was born, Roma, the eternal city. This is not a question for the above reasons.
I would like to emigrate to Korea to the city of Seoul. I find the music the culture and also the people who come from Korea just great.
Hello, dear pride.
Actually, I have to answer that with “jein”.
I have lived abroad for a long time, which has become my second home.
But I had the assurance that I could always come back to Germany.
And so I could like to halve a year. Nearly half a year here in my fatherland, and the other half year abroad.
But I do not want to give up Germany completely.
Greetings, Renate.
Germany is too pleasant to want to leave it in the long term.
With your choice, I can’t answer the question…
I do not want to emigrate (as of today), nor can I exclude categorically wanting to do so.
No, I was born abroad and I am voluntary in Germany.
Already done.
I don’t know where I’d be better