Würdet ihr Geld in die Rüstungsindustrie investieren, wenn ihr welches hättet?
Irgendwo ist doch eh immer Krieg…
Irgendwo ist doch eh immer Krieg…
Möchte BWL in der Nähe oder in Berlin studieren. Habe voraussichtlich ein 2.6-2.7 Abi. Reicht das für eine UNI oder FH?
Ich habe eine Stellenanzeige gesehen wo ein Altenheim Krankenpfleger und hilfskrankenpfleger suchen. Examiniere Fachkräfte brutto Gehalt 4500€ Hilfskräfte 3000-3700€
Hallo, ich habe ein Problem. Ich brauche ganz schnell einen Kredit von 7000€. Das Anliegen ist privat. Mir wäre es egal ob das Angebot seriös oder unseriös ist, Hauptsache schnell das Geld. Dabei habe ich aber eine schlechte Schufa. Bitte nur hilfreiche Antworten und keine Dummen klugscheißer Sprüche.. Hat jemand Tipps?
Kann mir bitte jemand sagen, ob diese Scheine iwie wertvoll sein können? Danke im Voraus
Then I would have to pay twice: only for the weapons and then I would have to donate so that what was destroyed by the weapons is rebuilt.
No one has to donate.
But you can feel morally committed to it. That’s what I meant.
I wouldn’t just, I did.
About 6 months before the Russian attack on Ukraine, I have bought stocks of Rhine metal due to the general rising tensions and rising military budgets all over the world.
People believe peace is at zero. In Germany, surrounded by peaceful countries, this is easily said. Historically, weak countries were always disadvantageous. Not to forget the weapon has prevented the further slaughter of the Jews. We’re always giving someone to get across and prepare for it.
If everyone prepares for a war, one insecure what happens when one of the others begins the war and starts the war itself. So instead of being upgraded one should show that one is not going to lead a war. Inconveniently, considering that there are some people who want a war and you can never sit there without a definite defense, but you can never stand for 100% reason.
I’m still waiting for how many world wars it takes until we’re modern enough to eradicate all of us once and I’m really excited if I might see what’s developing on this planet.
They tried 1933-39. Called for appeasment. The result was the greatest war of human history with 50 million. Dead.
I have been very successful with some trades by the last month since the beginning of the year.
Now they’re already too high.
I have money and would of course also invest in arms industries. If I would make a profit by the way, that would even be a Win Win situation.
Yes and I will given occasion also recently, as soon as the hype moves to the AI-Shares.
You have to go with the trend.
Prosecution is very important to not be subjugated by foreign troops.
Surely you’ve heard about the 2% goal of Nato for the annual investment of members?
Peace spells work wisely as long as others care for security.
No, the tax payments are enough.
I’m holding out.
I can’t. “You can’t communicate”
This is what I leave to the Pope with the white flag, who suffers anyway from membership:
Currently, in the world, the left war drivers lose poll values. When Donald Trump and consorts come back to power, the wars will be a little less, so it is not worth investing in armaments companies.
You have no idea xD
That’s how it works