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Was kann man ein Jungen zum Geburtstag schenken?
Hey ich wollte frage was man einem Jungen zum Geburtstag schenken kann?
I think that the birthday should not be completely ignored. A small drink for 1 or 2 hours may be quiet.
The person does not help the person in the hospital.
It would also be important to me that a visit to the KH nevertheless takes place.
But of course, all of this on condition that everyone gets emotionally clear.
My partner goes to 12 noon
Unfortunately, only one is allowed to enter your
I was there yesterday
It’s the mother for your partner. So if he doesn’t want to celebrate, that’s okay. I suppose it’s about your birthday? You decide for yourself and let everyone else decide. Just in such a situation everyone should be able to leave.
If the family blames you as selfish, just take a few hours and celebrate yourself, maybe with a good friend. Don’t have a bad conscience! Relationships that are strictly held together by conscience and morality are rather not carried by love.
I also have a birthday
Greetings to you:-)
My daughter lives in Cologne
Has on 27.9 Geb
Huch, no one has said that, thank you very much!
My daughter’s birthday today and is far away. It will be:)
You always find the right words
Thank you
Okay, then that was your decision and everyone has to respect it.
Just take an hour off for you and feel gratitude. You live and today’s day is the day you were born because you have an important task to do here.
I wish you all love and good!
And the mother-in-law a gentle transition.
You’re sweet
Yes it is my birthday today
Everything has been canceled
It depends. If the family member isn’t just dying, I wouldn’t want to celebrate.
I have not
Thank you.
That’s what matters now. Just don’t go well but get healthy again is one thing, there’s another dying.
Who is this?
My mother-in-law with 93 J
Okay, this is a decent age and not unlikely that it will go sometime. My proposal in this case would be. Bake a cake, take coffee or tea with her and make a small birthday coffee in the hospital with her, possibly still man and children. Of course, when it comes to the current state of health.
Then I would let the celebration take place at home. In addition, a few nice recordings of the family, with direct address to the mother-in-law, Mama, Grandma, that you hope she will be back next year.
No, I wouldn’t be celebrating. Unless the sick person still wants me to be courier and try to be happy.
Let’s just say I wouldn’t want to celebrate because of me.
Thank you.
You must be young
A little bit
Thank you
Well, that’s your decision, all right to you and your family
I only cancelled everything after the doctor’s call today
We’ve been through ourselves recently.
Thank you
I have canceled today
You can either celebrate after or next year a small celebration in the family circle and at the same time remember the deceased. That’s what we do.
How to celebrate?