Würdet ihr für einen umweltfreundlichen Flug das Doppelte bezahlen?

Stellt euch vor, es gäbe eine Fluglinie, die alle Flüge anbietet, die auch gängige Fluglinien, wie z.B. die Lufthansa anbietet. Der einzige Unterschied ist, dass deren “Flotte” rein mit Wasserstoff läuft, anstatt mit Kerosin. Das heißt im Klartext, dass es KEINE Co2 Emissionen und giftige Partikel gibt. Der einzige Haken dabei ist, dass euer Flug das Doppelte kostet, egal welcher Flug, egal welche Klasse. Die Flugzeuge bleiben ansonsten gleich komfortabel und die Flugzeit ist genauso die selbe. Würdet ihr das machen? Ja oder nein?

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2 years ago

It wouldn’t make a real difference in the end. Even if we turned off all CO2 emissions, we would still have the problem that there are 8 billion people who need an apartment, eat, drink and many of these 8 billion people want a holiday every year, a new phone, laptop, TV, car.

This does not work permanently even if everything is made 100% green. We’re just too many.

That’s why you can drive your car with V8 because it doesn’t make any difference in the end

2 years ago
Reply to  Knoerf

Maybe. Nevertheless, this does not change much because there are too many people who want to have/have too high a standard of living.

2 years ago

At least on short distances (this also goes on economy). Paying on long distance Buisness + Buisness Class will be quite a lot.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jesko224

On long distances the price of business has already been more than doubled this year

and they do not fly “greener” than before

2 years ago

Fly in any case never really – and if, then I can afford it.

2 years ago

I’m sure that’s not the money for the hotel that’s going on.

2 years ago

I’m not flying, but if I were flying, I would choose the cheaper flight, because I’m living very environmentally friendly anyway and that would be okay once.

2 years ago

Even if I wanted to, I can’t afford the double.

2 years ago

The couple of times I’m flying would be worth it.

2 years ago

then I would not fly

2 years ago

I’m not flying anyway.

2 years ago

Because I’m not flying, I’m totally banana! Aaaber… a flat-rate flight with an early booker discount to Malle or… for 30€. But social market economy legalizes such a nonsense!

2 years ago

No, it’s bullshit.

2 years ago

Nope. I don’t think so.

2 years ago

If I’d make money, maybe.
But for a 1000€ flight pay 2000€ so my conscience is relieved: No.

2 years ago

My money would be too bad for that. Instead, stay longer.

1 year ago

bro is never twice as expensive