würdet ihr für 1 Tag nach Mallorca fliegen (keine Übernachtung) oder macht ihr dies öfter?
wenn man nur mal einen Tag dort verbringen möchte zum Spazieren gehen am Meer, lecker essen und etwas shoppen? (morgens hin, abends zurück)
wenn man nur mal einen Tag dort verbringen möchte zum Spazieren gehen am Meer, lecker essen und etwas shoppen? (morgens hin, abends zurück)
Der Kundenservice ist leider keiner Hilfe
Fliege in nächster Zeit und wollte wissen ob ich Parfüm im Handgepäck haben darf. Das Parfüm ist 60ml groß und ist dazu noch in der kartonverpackung. Es ist irgendwo zwischen meine ganzen Klamotten um Handgepäck. Ist dss erlaubt? Bzw. erkennt man dass da ein Parfüm ist wenn das durch diesen Sensor geht? Was soll ich…
Hallo zusammen, die vergangenen Jahre bin ich jedes Mal auf griechische Inseln gereist, um meinen Sommerurlaub zu machen. Dieses Jahr würde ich gerne nach Italien/Portugal o.ä.. Könnt ihr Orte empfehlen? Es sollte definitiv am Meer sein, wo es auch tolles Wasser gibt. In Griechenland war das ja wirklich immer gegeben. Ich mag große Städte eher…
hat duetschland diese technik? zb wenn ein betrunkener illegal im luftraum in deutschland eindringt
Hallo, unser Flug wurde annulliert. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit am JFK, die Tickets am Schalter zu erwerben, egal ob Condor, Lufthansa etc? Vielen Dank
Funktionieren eigentlich die Scheibenwischer bei einem Flugzeug, z.B. Airbus A320 in jeder Flugphase oder nur beim Landeanflug?
One way to visit Mallorca for only 1 day without staying there could look like I’m staying on the ferry with my motorcycle. In the morning, in the evening. I also visited Lesbos without a hotel. This must be part of a well-assembled tour. In the Balearic Islands this is made more difficult by the fact that from one to the other Balearic Islands the ferry crossing is not enough for an overnight stay, so on some Balearic Islands you will have to stay overnight, but that can be another than Mallorca.
No, I wouldn’t do that for private pleasure. If I’m flying, I’ll stay a few days so it’s worth it.
I’ve done something like this with another goal for an important appointment.
That would be decided to exhaust
Mallorca is too beautiful for that.
As beautiful as the songs of María del Mar Bonet.
A miserable resource and decadence without equals. Worst loss of prosperity and a clear signal that flying is far too cheap.
Malle back and forth should cost at least 600 EUR p.P.
North America and back not under 1,400
Far East not under 1,900
In addition, 2,500 at least. And 5% druff every year.
Just like that. Greetings from the Airliner. And if fewer people can afford the flights, well? This was not different in the 1950s until the 1980s. No big insecure… there’s no choice at all. Either we voluntarily introduce this non-sensical person, or the circumstances force us to do so. However, this would become very ugly and with great suffering.
I meanwhile think cheap flying is over anyway, years ago it was possible and I think that some such trips have also made
Unfortunately, too much time is lost during the flight because you should at least. Check in 2 hours before departure and fly at 2 x Mallorca a day are already 10 hours away, and then you also have to go from the airport to the beach and to shopping, you can’t do that on a day and if then you have so little time that it doesn’t pay, do a WE out, fly back on Friday and return Sunday, then you have something more from such a short trip.
Only if the fare is cheap. Maximum 60€ and back and I have more than 10 hours stay and it is between May and October
No, I wouldn’t.
I live very reflected and environmentally conscious.
I couldn’t forgive myself for flying so far for a little fun.
If I have a really good offer, I’d do it.
Not yet to Mallorca but was already so for a day in Stockholm and Copenhagen
I don’t care about such a stress. LG
That would be a lot too exhausting…
No. By train, I do such things. But by plane? For me, this is simply not sustainable.
No, I want to have a couple of evenings to talk to my best friend.
I’d be the time spent alone until it finally starts with the flight too big
I’d be too much
That would be too much stress for me.
What are you doing? Just do it because it’s okay and because I can afford to blow a few hundred kg of CO2 in the air for nix?
So I’m so hard not that the flyer with cheapest rest placeb because of me then consumes a hundred kg of CO2 more…
I compensate it as I use CO2 neutral atomic current
I already made 2x and found it great
crispy from where you flew
That would be too stressful to me, at the airports alone. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
Completely stupid method of waste of money and natural resources.
What was the disadvantage of nature again when I book a last minute ticket in nem not booked flyers?
That you legitimize the flight.
for the Spaniards it is worth it. 🥵
from where you flee