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Moin Christl10,
No, I wouldn’t.
If the motorbike ride so it’s hard to think that I can’t do it anymore, then a Vespa is no longer the, what I should move on the road.
In addition, a Vespa is anything but “senior” or even safer than a motorcycle due to the small wheels, the seat position and the design!
Okay, deep-flying yoghurt cups have never been my thing, and I have the charm of nailing over the train with + 300 things, never being able to feel. But even when I’m young, I’d love to use sporty tupperware through the S-curves had, so I might think about a soft chopper with a pleasant seat height, e.g. a small virage
and cruise through the area.
This is all safer and more motorcycle feeling than the transition to a Vespa.
Everyone must know himself and who likes Vespas: please, but my thing would not be.
No, I’d sell my motorcycle. A scooter is not an alternative to the motorcycle. Don’t misunderstand, I have a motorcycle and a 125 Aprilla scooter. But the applications are completely different. The scooter is an urban transport medium. Quick, memorable and always a parking lot. The bike is for longer tours.
In the meantime, the VESPA GTS would probably be antik 😉
These are the best
It would then be older, rarer and more valuable than my motorcycle.
If a shame of such an old part would still be to drive, even though you are so insecure! 😀
But you’re still fit enough to drive these parts. My older sister also got the 1956 Harley Panhead from our grandpa, as he was too old for it. Too bad about the motorcycle is not the pure use, rather the use if you are no longer safe enough on the go.
Then I like to get some scratches in there 😀
you could
I have 6 bikes where some are even 40J old;-)
Surely not! If I can’t drive a motorcycle at some point (maybe) then I’m also guaranteed not to be fit enough for a scooter.
My father is no longer driving with the motorcycle for safety reasons, but for a scooter he feels fit enough.
All right. His decision. Don’t consider me. Before I make the descent on a scooter, I’d rather leave it completely.
Well, you can see how you want. He continues to get a parking lot without problems where others circle and search by car;)
But I understand it when one of the pride is in the way:D
A BMW scooter C1 seems safer for the advanced age!
When does the age of the motorcyclists begin?
If you feel hard to drive motorcycle
you can also drive vespa