Würdet ihr eurer 16 jährigen tochter erlauben einen ausländischen freund zu haben?
Also meine frage ist ihr als vater/mutter würdet ihr aktzeptieren das eure tochter (16ja) einen ausländischen freund hat wenn ja warum und wenn nein warum nicht?
schreibt bestenfalls noch rein ob ihr aus der sicht als frau/mutter oder mann/vater schreibt
Of course I would allow that, why not? I’m not a racist. And, apart from the specific question, I find it out and inappropriate anyway if parents try to ban their children from having a friend or a friend. That’s not the thing of the parents!
Yes. After that it means you could have said something.
No, it’s not. Nobody reacts like that after a break.
It’s called protection
It doesn’t matter where he comes from, but he’s a decent, nice guy. I’m a father.
My daughter’s half-Brazilian. Your friend is a nice semi-philippine, quarter German, quarter French. More multi-customy is hardly possible.
In principle, I am in favour that nationalities of love should not be in the way
In reality, however, it is often so that one should not underestimate the sociocultural differences. In any case, I would look at it, “Ausländer” or not.
Yes, of course, as long as he is nice and has a trustworthy effect on me, she can file who she wants. My son, by the way.
Oh, yeah, I’m mother
Allow for the first time. You can’t forbid anything like that. But I would want a good contact with him until I know what I am with him.
She didn’t ask me for permission. I didn’t ask my parents either. Point.
Parents’ permission is superfluous. A ban is there for ignoring.
Naja bin christ araber and live my whole life in Germany and I grew up with German culture so I always find it a pity when such prejudices come and you have to suffer because of that.
Do not believe that the one Iranian or Indian would accept.
Ahso with me it is different her elders know of me but the only reason why they want to intercede contact us is because they only want arical blood in the house
Yeah, if he’s a Norwegian.
Don’t french!
What if he were, for example, araber(christ), turke ode vietnamese, japanese, Chinese?
Except for Japanese nix.
What’s wrong with French?
A carabiner k98?
It would be interesting to me,
I’d tap about 60.
Don’t want to.
So you wouldn’t be your daughter. For example, reason prohibit an araber to date
That’s nice.
Make a survey if it’s wrong to be French, what’s coming out.
The French look different. Me too.
I don’t care, I’m boss.
And what entices you to think of such a one imagine you would love a foreigner? Or ask yourself how your daughter would feel
Japanese nix.
It’s wrong to be French.
No, it’s different.
Only Norwegians and Japanese.
Okay, Sweden, maybe.
So you’d accept everything except French and Japanese?
What’s so bad about French and Japanese?
Because m an grandpa threw his FG42 into the canal?
Of course? If he’s decent no matter where he comes from. Father
I as a father would allow it because I myself have foreign roots
If there is no cultural differences to bridge and therefore no cost to you.
How do they cost?
I mean something between expensive dreams (travels etc.) and to let the bags empty under false promises.
Ne I mean yes you would forbid your daughter to have a foreign friend and as a foundation because he is not German
Then your question is insane.
I just mean a foreigner who lives in Germany who speaks well German etc. And one could say to look at it is actually German