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10 months ago

Of course, I leave my son the physical integrity, sexual self-determination and also his freedom of religion and do not understand his genitals.

7 months ago
Reply to  Jost79

You can’t summarize it better.

10 months ago

No, as long as there is no medical reason, he will later decide how he wants his cumin, this decision can only be made once in life.

7 months ago

Our son was circumcised during Easter holidays because it was also sensible because of two inflammations.

However, he has now got a lmyphrode in the remnant skin. That’s why he’s still doing a reciprocating.

9 months ago

Only if he wants it. If you just do it without reason, it’s just sick, it’s forbidden every day guys die.

10 months ago

If it is medically necessary and he has a Phimosis and cannot wash properly, then I would agree. It shouldn’t come to inflammation, and I made it a child for the reason. Don’t have any limitations about it.

6 months ago

Yeah, I would. My grandfather had to be cut for medical reasons. The two smaller boys are also cut.

6 months ago
Reply to  LisaMarina87

preventive or medical reasons?

6 months ago
Reply to  alex2944021

Preventive medical reasons

6 months ago

Very caring.

9 months ago

Except it would be medically necessary.

6 months ago

Because of my experience with an over-long pre-skin to adulthood, I would have my son circumcised early.

7 months ago

You should be able to talk to boys about the topic with 10-12, but then you have to make the decision yourself. It doesn’t have to be the same, but if then I think it would be best to put it with so 11-14, because then they can already understand it, but don’t have as much fear as later and especially not sex. Then the healing would be easier.

But I wouldn’t force my son. Because as a woman find circumcised penises much more beautiful, but how the feeling for men is, I cannot judge.

9 months ago

Unless there is a medical reason.

7 months ago

If it is medically necessary

10 months ago


Depends on whether he has to be circumcised for medical reasons, if so. But otherwise.

LG Nico

7 months ago

If it is medically necessary.

9 months ago


I’ve had a lot of fun with the foreskin. The acorn was very sensitive.

(Please turn on head cinema yourself!)

With complete erection, the foreskin was practically gone.

10 months ago

If it is medically necessary and all the other options have not helped, then yes. The foreskin has a function. She wouldn’t have.

10 months ago

Gender, gender, religion and what else is to be decided by itself, but mutilation should be forced on?

If they really want it, they’re supposed to choose it from 18 themselves. What’s gone is gone.

There are even gays carrying a silicone cap so that the scorn becomes more sensitive.

Personally know someone where the zip hat was far enough in the twenties!

10 months ago
Reply to  SebineAndrea

Someone who forces his child to mutilate will also do everything else to his child and leave no choice.

10 months ago
Reply to  Christiangt

How do you get this conclusion? You don’t have to accuse parents who have their child circumcised of mutilation.

9 months ago

I don’t know what you’ve been interpreting in here, we’re talking about force.

10 months ago

It depends, of course. It has a medical reason. But not otherwise.

7 months ago

If it is medically necessary, as with us then definitely. Otherwise the boy should decide what he wants

9 months ago

I’d never let myself amputate the foreskin. Because I know how important it is for sexual sensation.

And I am right against such genital mutilation in children. This legal exception for body injury is a scandal. Children are not the property of parents, but their own beings.

“Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of the longing of life for themselves. They come through you, but not from you. And even though they are with you, they don’t belong to you.

You may give them your love, but not your thoughts, for they have their own thoughts. You may give their bodies a house, but not their souls, because their souls live in the house of the future, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may try to be like them, but do not try to make them like you. For life is not going backwards, nor is it dwelling in yesterday.” – Khalil Gibran – The Prophet

9 months ago
Reply to  Machtnix53

Very good, true answer!

Good to think…

9 months ago
Reply to  Machtnix53

How nice it is to meet the text of Khalil Gibran again!

9 months ago
Reply to  Machtnix53


7 months ago

For what, medically it is necessary in the fewest cases (up to adulthood, any problems are solved in 99% of cases by themselves, is quite normal)… in adulthood he can decide himself.

9 months ago

Yes, and has already happened with both (low & tight) 🙂 much hygienic and aesthetic

8 months ago
Reply to  Luisa518

Was that the main reasons for the certificate or were there others? 🙂

8 months ago
Reply to  cutetransgurl

It is naturally also healthier and better for their future partners

7 months ago


9 months ago

So that’s a decision you have to make when it’s ready and you know all the circumstances. My current friend would definitely be to cut her as early as possible as a baby or before school. This comes because as a child he had a strong constriction and often inflammations and also many pains and unpleasant memories. He was supposed to be circumcised at that time, but his parents wanted to solve it with ointments, which then worked after a few years. But he keeps saying that the whole pain and stress, where he remembers well, has not been rewarded only to get the foreskin that has been removed with him now. And he finds it clearly more beautiful to be circumcised now and also thinks that it would be better for his guys and thus they get a lot saved.

That’s why he says the direct circumcision, at a very young age, is the best for a boy and would like to cut his sons later.

I also think it’s more beautiful when boys are cut. And I would also support your opinion, because he knows best about himself.

But I would rather wait until they can decide or at least understand what is done with you. And if they don’t want it, they don’t.

But as soon as a medical problem occurs, there are no ointments or something, then radically circumcised and there we agree.

9 months ago

For medical reasons, there is often no other choice. For optical reasons, I would not agree.

9 months ago

Not if it is not necessary for health.

10 months ago

If there is no medical indication for circumcision, and not before all other alternatives have been tried, never. In addition, even in young years, I would always leave the decision to my son – if
I had a son.

7 months ago

No need!

Besides, he is now old enough to decide himself and he doesn’t want to cut off a piece of his foreskin.

What for?

7 months ago

Not without medical need.

9 months ago

was circumcised with 11 for phimose himself if it had to be or he would want it himself.

10 months ago

If it is not necessary for medical reasons: No.

7 months ago

Either in the first week after birth, shortly before the schooling or before puberty

10 months ago

Why so long as it should not be necessary from a medical point of view…

9 months ago

If I had a son, I’d just have him cut in medical need.

10 months ago

If only for medical reasons, otherwise not.

10 months ago

I will talk to him about the subject when he is old enough to understand this. Then he himself may decide whether he wishes or not. That’s what I’m talking about and deal with. He’ll stay uncut until then.

10 months ago

If it is medically necessary or he wants it himself, otherwise not.

10 months ago

I’ve always had problems with my long foreskin until it was finally cut. Such problems are common. This is quickly solved with a trim.

10 months ago

He should decide how and when or whether at all.

7 months ago

Only if medically necessary.

Otherwise, that would be a deliberate body injury.

10 months ago

If a doctor advises, then yes.

If he wants to do this unnecessarily but himself, he can do it with 18.

10 months ago
Reply to  Christiangt

If a doctor advises, then yes.

But don’t be the first option. Unfortunately, some doctors prefer to try to circumcision rather than before using a strain therapy.

9 months ago
Reply to  Jogibaer2017

But don’t be the first option. Unfortunately, some doctors prefer to try circumcision rather than before using a strain therapy

No, that’s not true, you have to insist on circumcision with the doctor, otherwise they prefer to prescribe cortisone-containing cream several times, as they get good money (provision) from the pharmaceutical companies.

10 months ago
Reply to  Jogibaer2017

Because this has no long-term success

10 months ago

Criminal bullshit, but in your fetichism it will not understand….before Scho does what to let unprotected children be circumcised for their parents….

10 months ago

Hello wannabecut12345, 👋

Would you cut your son?


if I had a son,

I will not have

🔪🩸genital mutilations leave❗️

genital mutilation of babes and

Children is cruel body injury❗️

There are also

no justification for this

There is a medical indication

it is extremely rare, often becomes

but simply pushed forward

I am in favour of this disgusting

genital mutilation in babes and

Children are finally punished

The lashing of the very important

Precut with hundreds of very important

nerves without medical indication

is genital mutilation and

cruel body injury! 😩

For a long time, the boy circumcision was considered harmless. Increasecomplained men but psychological and physical consequences. Medically necessary intervention is only rare❗️

…. Over three-year-olds with a pre-skin narrowing were often cut directly. in part withEffectsfor today’s adult men…….

… Complication rate of circumcision is 5 percent

According to the new guideline, the complication rate is about 5 percent. These include short-term light complications such asbleeding, wound infections, but

also heavy as the injury of

Squirrel and urethra to death.

Long-term complications are not taken into account. …

… Since 2013, the 7th annual May the world day ofgenital self-determinationcommitted. People of different origin, religion and age are there, as is the association MOGUS, who has a voice for circumcision

there. Formore and more affected

as adult men under their

circumcision suffer, report

publicly speaking!!️

MOGIS is also involved in the new guideline on boys’ complaints. circumcision-von-jungen-muss-die-vorhaut-real-weg-swr2-wissen-2022-12-100.html

against my will,

small child more or less

raped!! I just got

a body piece cut off

against my will.

Ali Utlu was born in Germany. When he was six years old, his Muslim parents determined that he and his ten-year-old brother should be circumcised according to Islamic tradition.

“If one imagines when one’s own uncles hold a hold and one feels the pain at once and is all full of blood, that’s what’s going on.”

“Without any doubt, this is a bodily injury when a person is cut off a piece of his body without medical need. ‘

That’s what the law professor Rolf Herzberg says. That it is in circumcision, i.e. removal of the penis preskin to aInjury is inconceivable among lawyers.….

To shakeno less lawyers:

“How can a couple of parents have the right to cut off their innocent, defenseless child a piece of his body? We would never come up with the idea of getting parents outOther reasons to mutilate their children.!But if religion comes into play…”

The circumcision of boys leaves a lifelong trauma for some affected persons such as Victor Schierung and Önder Özgeday

circumcision for religious reasons is criminal

It is a verdict with great effect: The local court of Cologne has decided that the circumcision of boys for religious reasonsis punishable.This is aInjury, even if the parents of the child consent. To date, the physicians acted inlegal grey area. circumcision-von-jungen-ist-laut-gericht-strafbar-a-841084.html

Please read this:

… super interesting:

“The circumcision is amedically groundless, irreversible interventionthe painful removal of a body part. The collective rejection of empathy behind this question completely overlooks that abiologically functional, important piece of tissue is removed. Any injurious intervention in the field of the child’s genital is a trauma.!5088276/

~ In addition,

Pre-skin narrowing (Phimose)

How is a pre-skin narrowing treated?

Almost all boys have in the first

a natural preskin narrowing,

which is reflected by itself. However,

to complaints or remains them until puberty

a treatment is advisable.

Often it is enough to use the fore skin

cream cortisone-containing agents.

‘> A circumcision is rarely necessary!!️

..usw. ….

LG 🤦🏻

10 months ago
Reply to  PachamamaSquaw

If you want to put it under penalty, please contact the MPs of your constituency. If your desire appears more capable, he should start a legislative initiative.

10 months ago
Reply to  Uwe65527

I already know the spell…

9 months ago
Reply to  PachamamaSquaw

Are you a woman? Or why do you copy text that I’ve read so often, but what about the women suck off fat breasts or let them copy the nose is that no body mutilation as you say it should be put under penalty

9 months ago
Reply to  Seeteufel07

Nothing of all is done with small children, unlike pre-skin amutation (beautiful circumcision).

It’s a huge difference, whether you let yourself be mutilated, or other people. Which also include “own” children.

9 months ago
Reply to  Seeteufel07

Don’t bother me with your nonsense and think very sharply.

Thank you. Adios

10 months ago

That’s not a saying, that’s a sense of democracy.

And your eternally long contributions are also known.

By the way, the judgment of the Landesgreichs Köln cited by you has no meaning. It is from 2011, the legal situation has changed after that.

10 months ago

If it is medically necessary.

10 months ago

To do this, it would take damn good reasons for my children (Boy or girl) to be cut.
Not at all for religious or hygienic reasons or just “because it looks beautiful”!
The only reason for boys would be if a Phimicosis would be present which was previously not by (medical) strain could be treated. Sometimes a small incision of the foreskin is enough to eliminate the pimosis.

Also for my children in childhood no piercing in question, even if the grandma would find “so sweet”.
If my child wanted an earhole in school age, because the friend/friend had one, I would have to talk to me.

10 months ago

Yeah, sure. It’s much better for him if it’s done as early as possible.


9 months ago
Reply to  nur1Tim

What is the reason why this should be much better?

9 months ago
Reply to  nur1Tim

No, genital mutilation = cruel body injury cannot be much better!

10 months ago

As long as there is no medical indication or if he is old enough and he can decide it himself and wants a clear no.

Basic circumcisions should be punished for parents….

10 months ago

Cutting without medical reasons is bodily injury and should be prohibited. M

9 months ago
Reply to  Jagtstein

Why do you always talk about body injury if there is a medine reason then you can’t go to the hospital and let the blind arm be removed or if you get a new hip or knee is a body injury also make you think before you write such a crap

9 months ago
Reply to  Seeteufel07

Without medical indication, genital mutilation is!

9 months ago
Reply to  Seeteufel07

You seem to have an understanding problem. I have written if there is no medical problem then circumcision of children’s body injury.