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1 year ago

No, that would be a deep intervention in the development of the child’s personality and would be excluded due to the negative influence and risk of traumatization by §824b CnVV. Therefore, the further contact should actually be prohibited legally.

Hope that helped:)

1 year ago

It depends on the age of the children.

At some point, they’re hoping that this family has a bad attitude.

If my son had suddenly expressed himself racist, it would have been a reason for me to have a serious conversation with him.

My son’s grown up long ago and has a little daughter himself.

1 year ago

Rather no, and probably this family – as she has something against young people – would not want to get in touch.

It is often a ridge hike: What do I allow my child, after all it should develop, learn to form an opinion. And what do I do better, I have to protect my child from certain influences.

1 year ago

She hates adolescents but even what? Logic?

What you think is their children, yours can’t suffer. And maybe the parents tell you something so they think badly about your children.

Let your children decide. If they are young, they are old enough to see if they want to have contact with someone who treats them badly.

1 year ago

No, I wouldn’t have, except that my children didn’t feel drawn.

Negative people are poison for the children still in development.

1 year ago

Without further questioning the facts, my answer would be: No.