Würdet ihr euren Job kündigen und TikTok live streams anfangen?
Mit TikTok Livestream kann man sehr viel Geld verdienen. Ich sehe immer wieder Videos wie Leute ihren Job kündigen und streamen auf TikTok. Dann bekommen die Spenden und Geschenke und werden reich.
No, I wouldn’t quit my job, you probably see the top 1% of the people who ever tried it. The majority thus earns little to nourish money and will not come over the rounds or become rich.
No, I wouldn’t, because I own standards and intelligence.
As a educated person, I know that TikTok does not become rich in live streams, what you are watching is not reality.
your perception is influenced by the survivorship bias
Why isn’t that reality? Didn’t you even see what you got on donations?
Have you ever thought about what’s left? TikTok collects 70% of each donation.
Did you see the many who don’t get anything? You can’t just look at the successful ones.
No, and on Tiktok, only Pubertarian youths are driving around, would be sad to quit his job just to get on low level.
No, it’s not as simple as they say. You won’t be rich. You shouldn’t believe blindly everything you hear or somehow see in videos etc
No, I don’t want to sit homeless on the streak…
I am in the Tiktok