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I don’t care in my country, because there is a compulsory professional schooling here until the age of full.
In Hesse, you can (I believe it) also work as a minor without training. That would be the reason and future perspective. Just don’t do anything, I wouldn’t allow.
For full-years, the question does not arise and does not arise for pupils. Student job is voluntary.
With an adult child?
No, but I wouldn’t support it if it were a long-term unemployment.
Children’s work is forbidden when the child is grown, I’m not concerned.
if it can continue to bear its cost, why not.
The question is, why would your child want to quit?
Dissatisfaction?, No Bock?, Problems at Work?, Health?
That depends on why and why. So you can’t answer this on a flat-rate basis.
Depends on the reason…
Who am I that I forbid my adult, working child to live as it wants. I can be against whatever it does, but as soon as it grows, I have to stand out.
That does not mean that I must not worry, and that the child can also say my opinion, or can also say a counsel. But it’s none of my business.
In most cases, the child should be full-year. Ergo’s asking.
…and so quickly the writing of your own answer takes place!
I think if I had a child that deserves his money, it would be at an age when I would not have to forbid him.