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I need the foot more urgent than 5 million euros.
I also find such “deals” unethical, even though they are hypothetical.
Aha, then hopefully you have thoughts about emerging phantom pain and about wounds, because they will show up sooner or later and feel very horny now really not.
In addition, an amputation can also be related to the psyche
Pretty much for everything I’d want to do with 5million, I need both feet.
So I have to fit 🙂
I have broken my right ankle “only” several times. It was a year and a half and I still feel the injury:
The leg begins to hurt as soon as I stand longer or run. It is unstable and has less power.
I would never deteriorate my health for money. Gesundity is – next to freedom – our most important good. 🍀
No, if I didn’t, I’d rather be 5 million. Save Euro to get one back.
Due to the situation in which I am currently in existence probably already.🤷🏽 ♂️
Of course not… no normal person would.
No, it’s more important to me to go uneasy and my physical integrity.
The deal doesn’t work.
I’d report people who offer me something like this to Absurdes to come to a clinic.
I don’t even start talking about this at 5 billion.
No need my foot more urgent than all the money in the world
In no case
I’d say, “No.” But if I think about it for a long time, still “no”.
There are people who would do it for 100 euros or less. My ex– father-in-law deliberately caught an arm so that they had to take it off. He just stood there. :
Never, my foot is worth a lot!
it’s really unbearable, that bullshit.
Unfortunately, there are people who find it really great to be mutilated.
Look here, for example:
Never. Who and why should be ready to give me 5 million for such a nonsense?
Of course not
No, I’m stupid or what?
No, not a sum. , I also have no pain limit, it is about the principle.
I wouldn’t have anything amputated to me for money in the world.
Of course not
For no money in the world, I would do that, how do you get on such thoughts. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄