Würdet ihr es mögen am Tag ständig Einkaufswagen zu schieben?

Also ihr arbeitet im Einzelhandel, die Kunden nehmen vorne beim Eingang Einkaufswagen zum einkaufen, nach dem Einkaufen bringen die die Wagen in die Hütten wo die Parkplätze sind und ihr müsst ständig am Tag die Einkaufswagen von den Hütten rausholen und vorne beim Eingang alles voll schieben damit die Kunden beim Eingang einen Einkaufswagen nehmen können und das auch mehrmals am Tag, würdet ihr es mögen?

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3 months ago

Joa when it is well paid

In addition, you move, then you don’t have to do extra sports anymore ✨️😌

Wishes a nice 4.Advent ☃️❄️


3 months ago

Don’t have a problem with that. Honestly, such a work is even my favorite work. Also so clean or here the Gulli people in sewerage. That’s what I’d like to do.

Maybe it’s my past where I was so humiliated that I keep myself small but that doesn’t feel like that. It’s people where society excludes them and that’s why I like jobs. Because I don’t want to be at the centre and belong to it somewhere. I’d rather be the insignificant toilet man, a shopping cart slider.

3 months ago

If I’d take a job where that’s what’s going on, I’d do it without murmuring. I mean, where’s the problem? There are really a number of activities in the world of work that are significantly more unpleasant, strenuous, annoying, more burdensome…

3 months ago
Reply to  GrupSeyran

Oh, come on, let it be once an hour, where it’ll be due, right? And that’s already high…

3 months ago

That was my work when I started my training in food retailers at the beginning of the eighties. At least in the first year. Two times a day, I had to pick up and push the shopping trolleys in the parking lot.

I thought it was okay at the time. Let’s get some fresh air out there. Or better said, I could smoke outside.

Especially in winter, when I’m on work in the dark in the morning and back home in the dark in the evening, these were the occasions to see the daylight. You couldn’t get out of the store. That was a welcome change.

3 months ago

I’d generally disturb working outside.

To push shopping carts in a covered shopping center from A to B I wouldn’t be bad.

3 months ago

No, I wouldn’t like it. I would generally not work in retail.