Would you find it strange if a strange adult man waved to you on the side of the road?
You are in the car.
You are in the car.
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Hallo! Ich hatte meine erste Periode am 30. Januar 2023 bis zum 05. Februar 2023. Dort hatte ich sie eine Woche lang. Am vierten April bekam ich meine zweite Periode. Ich habe sie noch, am ersten Tag der zweiten Periode hatte ich mittel-viel Blut ( es kam sogar über Nacht Blut auf die Bettwäsche ),…
Ne, I had already smiled and greeted countless strange men on the street. And wink is nothing bad. I mean, we are all people and everyone should treat everyone with respect
There are enough people who are so angry with you. I remember the last Saturday, when a German man really hated me for a long time while I walked past him. He stared like he wanted to kill me, really hateful. But I still smiled and went on
This is, of course, really bad when you experience this, but just ignore it
Did you know him? Did he say something?
No, don’t know. He was a little old and looked really creepy
because I know Germans, what is that for a question
How did you know he was German?
No, I would:
If he reacts suspiciously or strangely nonverbal, I wouldn’t want to stop.
Huhu, JMsummer. 😊
No, I don’t think that’s funny, I know that too well.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
In principle, I would assume that someone else wins.
Hey, you,
I wouldn’t find that weird, I’d wave back to be honest. 🥲
Bye Bye 👋🏼
No. It happened to me. Winke back then.
if he had a uniform, I would stand (before put the blinker)
I would win back and then all the time wonder who that could have been 😅
Has everyone ever happened?
No, why?
Yeah, I’d be weird
but not strange
It’s nice. I’d wave back.
I’d wave back and ask myself: who was that again….?
I don’t know, I can’t remember. Still on number go safe and winke winke back
Yes, and I would hope he has no balloons in his hand 😱
I’m used to my car.
The Benzer Community always appreciates its value. (Aside from AMG Proleten)
Yes the strong
Maybe he’s confused you with your doppelganger…😂
I’d ask myself which one of my parents knew that could be me.
No, I’ve had it before, but it was a change.
This has happened to me more often, where I thought about who that was. I probably have a double walker in town.