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I’m normal. I usually eat at 11:30. Is there days like today when I haven’t eaten just before 1?
Yes, I do more often at the moment, especially as I usually sleep up to 10 am on weekends xD
Yes, I do daily.
Yes, on weekends rather than under the week as I have to get up early under the week
I do: I drink a coffee early, 9:30 a.m. and at 11 a.m./ 11:30 p.m. I’ll be at lunch.
It’s a habit. ☺️
Yeah, easy. Don’t eat for hours.
But the bizarre is: I only get gastric cords in society, but only rarely when I am alone…
That’s why I eat more often in society because the gastric cord would be too embarrassing to me.
Your stomach knows you’re ignoring him and he calls for help in society. 😔
Then I’ll have to silence him or sneak him…
The first time in the day I eat some lunch – mostly between 12:00 and 13.00.
I sometimes eat only when I have such strong abdominal pain that I can no longer move…I forget food and drink more often, as I know no hunger and thirst through my autism and sometimes am in focus by ADHS
I keep it good every day until noon.
Jap, I can.
LG 🍀
I usually eat all day until evening when I come home nothing… So until 18:00 until 19:00
On days when I’m just sitting at the desk, I don’t usually have breakfast. So there’s nothing until 14:00.
Yes, clear
Yes, I haven’t eaten for 24 hours.
yes, definitely
Yeah, easy… I can rarely eat anything in the morning… then force me to bite me into my bread for 10 or 11 times.
but easy,
you should not be able to eat it for months, but because of what is fed today, the hunger system of most people is so broken that they are already dying if they don’t get their tomorrow coffee, I can’t eat for days if I had more kfa then those months I meant
I keep every day until at least 11:30 because I don’t eat in the morning.
Yes, without problems
So half a day?
I do more often…