Würdet ihr einen Mann heiraten, der wenig Geld hat?
So wenig Geld, dass er nicht für euch und/oder eure Kinder versorgen kann (und ihr deswegen gezwungener Weise auch arbeiten müsst).
Die Frage richtet sich natürlich an die Frauen.
LG sari😇🩷
So wenig Geld, dass er nicht für euch und/oder eure Kinder versorgen kann (und ihr deswegen gezwungener Weise auch arbeiten müsst).
Die Frage richtet sich natürlich an die Frauen.
LG sari😇🩷
Ich bin mittlerweile verwirrt von dem ganzen Stream-Thema. Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass sich täglich so viele Leute dazu entscheiden, Streamern wie Montanablack, Trymacs, Eligella usw. ihr erarbeitetes Geld zu spenden. Genauso komme ich nicht darauf klar, dass diesen Streamern durchschnittlich 40 Tausend Leute dabei zuschauen, wie sie sinnlos mit Just Chatting vor der…
Wieso wird Selbstverletzung fast immer mit Borderline in Verbindung gebracht? Ich habe mal gelesen das Selbstverletzung auch bei Depression, Schizophrenie oder Psychosen vorkommen kann. Einmal als ich in der Notaufnahme wegen Selbstverletzung war, sagte ein Arzt zu mir das ich Borderline hätte. Dabei habe ich Schizophrenie. Warum denken selbst Ärzte so?
Meine Mutter wurde mit Krebs diagnostiziert und ihr ex Freund kommt jetzt regelmäßig vorbei um zu helfen. Nicht bei Pflege oder so sondern emotions Unterstützung und Rasenmäher aufbauen, ab und zu was zu essen machen etc. Meine Mutter ist abgesehen von direkt nach der Chemo körperlich fit und somit absolut nicht abhängig von ihn. Ich…
Ja also ich will zum Arzt da mein linker Hoden rot und geschwollen ist und weh tut ich weiß nur nicht wie ich es ihr sagen soll
Hat es irgendeinen Nachteil wenn man Laufschuhe im Alltag anzieht also z.B in der Schule, in der Stadt, Kino und so weiter also im ganz normalen Alltag?
For the first time I have absolutely no desire to be financially dependent on someone else.
And then there are no more too many people whose income is enough to pass through a family alone and at a pleasant level. If you insist, it becomes complicated with the partner search 😁 once upper 20% or so.
Based woman. It’s rare.
Not really. In my generation, there are no pure housewives anymore. As I said, the salaries aren’t enough, that’s not in it anymore.
Is a good question whether a woman wants me like that if I only have a good 1000 euros a month and I am already in the pension for health at the age of 25 and I am 47 almost at the end of June
Yes; I can provide myself with my income well and it would also be enough for young people, only with restrictions.
And, of course, he would have to do his part – if he anyway deserves badly, it would be useful if he took over the majority of the housework and the child education and worked at most part-time so that I can work full-time.
What also means, if he falls in love with someone or simply falls in love, he is the main person of the children and they stayed with him, right?!
Why not? If that’s true that the father is the main reference, that would be logical.
Personally, I would prefer the change model if possible.
At least as a man, I wouldn’t marry a woman who wants to be supplied by me.
Why not?
Because divorces aren’t underestimated and there’s no question of guilt anymore. Too much risk for the man.
Because the woman should be alone.
What kind of risk?
in principle yes – if he goes to work normally 40h and unfortunately has a badly paid job.
No if he just sits around or makes occasional jobs and therefore earns too little
But I’d go to work like this because I don’t want to be financially dependent on a man. I also need to think about my future. What if he leaves me after 20 years? Then I didn’t work for 20 years – in my originally learned job, I’m hardly gonna hire a company anymore. So I only have badly paid helpers jobs left. I won’t get a pension because I worked for a few years.
So could be that I’m trembling into poverty just because I wanted my husband to be financial for me.
Nice answer.
I don’t care to be financially dependent on a man. If we had common children, we should be able to provide them together.
He doesn’t have to be able to supply me – I can do that well alone. As long as he has enough money that he can take care of himself and you have enough money together to provide children then, that is enough. I always want to work myself and never depend on the partner in the relationship.
I always thought women wanted to work like that. Then the man could take care of the children, I would at least have no problem with it
so I would never want that
Work? Then you are now a few
That would be something for me too.
Look at what you’re saying, you’re being held up for such statements. But don’t have a problem with it and I’m not very distorted too
I don’t want me to take care of the man like a guy, and he cares about the kids like a wee.
yes then you have to make your husband household and take care of the children when you go to work. you don’t have to do it alone
And you can’t share that exactly?
and I said I didn’t want to do that personally.
In my answer, the man then took care of the children
because I have enough to do with the household and the children.
not work in general, but that I have to provide my husband or the children. that is not my task
I wouldn’t depend on a man, neither emotional, nor financial.
We both worked and earned money. He as an electrician and I as an official.
I answer once as a man because I don’t understand why only women are addressed.
I have been living with my friend for years and of his money alone, we cannot live, which is why I also go to work part-time. I’d still marry him and start a family with him. Money is not so important.
Establishing a family? How?
Would be a way, right?
Because I have a decent salary myself and don’t want to stop someone
Why of course? You know men are allowed to marry, right?
And to the question: Yes, of course. I can actually provide financially for myself – and even for my children!
However, it is useful to ask this question separately to the sexes. Men are obviously much more willing to marry a woman who cannot care for herself.
Sensual for those who are still mentally anchored in the last millennium. Otherwise, no. You can also see the answers here.
In any case, I have seen great differences in the career choice talks with girls and boys for years. As far as I have read from studies what the plans of young women and young men are, this confirms my assertion. In my environment, too, I observe that. And a study currently discussed in Switzerland with female students also shows this: https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/die-meisten-studentinnen-lieber-einen-erfolgvolle-mann-als-selber-karriere-making-165723834136
It may be that there is still a lot to relativize. But after decades across all media the opposite has been asserted, it would be appropriate to breathe through and consider whether the well-known feminist ideology should not be revised.
It’s here – and it looks the same on both sexes. Which is why explicit segregation is insane.
If you don’t know, you can’t help with one side like this. Look at you.
Serious to those who want to know what it looks like today. Not in the minds of some ideologists, but in reality.
Love usually has little to do with money.
And today, many women have to work to keep the way they live.
Depending on the salary, I can easily provide myself and that is also good
BEIDE should go to work
My opinion😅
Sure. Who doesn’t work as a woman is stupid.
What dancefloor writes. Plus missing pension points, dependency and and and.
Topic Age poverty (no minimum pension) or after a long work break in case of separation, the woman gets only badly paid jobs
Today both have to work to have a good standard of living