Würdet ihr einen Gebrauchtwagen mit Halogenlicht kaufen?
Bei mir muss mindestens Xenon dabei sein.
Bei mir muss mindestens Xenon dabei sein.
Kostet so ein Bmw x2 viel oder Bmw f40? Und wie viel kosten die so gebraucht. Ein Kumpel meinte nämlich das die 1er bmws nicht mal so teuer wären. Kenne nämlich schon so paar die mit 19-20 sich so ein Bmw 1er f40 leisten können und da frag ich mich woher die das geld haben😅
Guten Tag! ich habe folgende Frage, ich habe mein Auto privat verkauft und es war noch auf meinen Namen angemeldet. Der Käufer hat das Auto unverzüglich auf seinen Namen dann umgemeldet. Der Versicherung hatte ich den Verkauf gemeldet. Muss ich jetzt der Zulassungsstelle eine Veräuserungsanzeige zukommen lassen oder nicht ? Da das auto ja direkt…
Hallo Leute, hat jemand Erfahrung mit dem Auto und auf was muss man aufpassen, was ist bei dem zu beachten ?
Hi, wie viel bezahlt ihr für eine Autogarage?
Hallo ich habe ein gebrauchten 2014 BMW i8, 66.223km, EL+ Benzin, 231 PS gefunden für knackige 15k. Lohnt es sich das Auto hat garkeine Probleme. Ich weiß halt nicht ob es ein Schnäppchen ist, ich mache bald mein Führerschein, und direkt so ein Auto zu haben wäre krass.
Yes, especially in a used car, this would be irrelevant to me or would I even prefer halogen. Since you can exchange the H (halogen) pears yourself. It is therefore much more cost-effective compared to Xenon headlights where the complete unit must always be renewed or replaced. There are a few hundred or even a thousand euros away.
Sure, I would if the price was right.
Better than the old light bulbs and usually enough. 🤷
Of course I would – provided that the light is something. In the motorcycle (Honda ST) have two particularly good headlights, and although they use a quite antique technique (H4), the light yield is simply fantastic. I would say that no one would seriously call for xenon, or light-emitting diode lights here, apart from the light colour, whose color temperature in light bulbs tends to be lower.
As so often in life, there is more to the interpretation, and less to the basic technique. Funny headlights are also available in LED version. Advantage Incandescent lamp: If a defect is made, the exchange can be carried out very easily and cost-effectively, unlike Xenon, or especially in light-emitting diode headlights. They also generate more heat due to their significantly poorer efficiency, which ensures that ice and snow disappear independently in winter. And hits the lamp glass from the inside, the heat also ensures that it “repairs” quickly.
Two years ago, I bought a new scooter for the city, two models were available in the local dealer: Honda Vision and Honda SH Mode, both almost identical in price, first with light bulbs, second with light-emitting diode light. Since I wanted to use the scooter longer, and the long-term cost factor is relevant to me (a new LED headlight costs several hundred euros, while a new HS1 lamp is only approx. 5 euros), I deliberately chose the vision. I wasn’t disappointed, because even here you created a really useful light with a good reflector.
No, I live rural and often go in the dark.
With me, the cars have always installed the best possible headlight that was available in the model.
Halogen only had my first two cars, as there were no Xenon headlights at the time in these models.
Currently I drive my first car with LED/laser headlight. Before that I had 4 models with Xenon headlights.
Yes, I would. Cars with Xenon Light are usually not my budget.
But yes.
I feel the yellowish halogen light much more pleasant than these white spotlights.
Even worse, if such “eye burners” meet me.
My used car has halogen light. That’s enough for me.
Of course, we’ve been on the road without any problems.
For most cars with halogen headlights, there are now excellent LED “Bears” for retrofitting with ABE.
Work really excellent!!
Yeah, I would.
I’m just driving in the hell.
Yes I would
No, I look so bad at night, at least I need good light.